I am certainly no lawyer, but my guess would unless the document explicitly stated somewhere else something to the effect of "The Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, hereafter referred to as 'Watchtower'", it wouldn't have any legal weight.
by Hairtrigger 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
compound complex
Watch Tower [two words] Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
When I read the thread title, I got the weirdest image in my head...
...the GB members in a ”Wiggles”-style kids’ show.
You know what?
Stephen Lett could do a “Mr. Rogers” thing, and he probably wouldn’t even realize it was a kids’ show.
I think the Monthly Broadcast will eventually morph into a Mister Rogers style presentation. Once the lawsuits hit with full force from multiple sources, assuming the smartest ( relatively speaking ) Dubs leave the cult, only the Idiocracy will remain.
I like to imagine Lett getting the latest spiritual food from a puppet that pops out of a tree, or perhaps King Friday. ( Jesus??)
DD 🤔