I would like to know if anyone here ever tested the water when it came to dabbling in spiritism and then were "bothered" by demons later on. The WTS would write articles about how using Ouija boards would be asking for trouble. Any true stories you can share?
Were they trying to scare us?
by Jessica Rabbit 20 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't mess with them myself, but I now know that all this demon rubbish is dribble. Just like Armageddon.....
If demons were real and wanted as many victims as possible, why would they wait until someone "dabbled" in spiritism? I agree with Hamas... I think it's a bunch of rubbish.
My mother, when she was younger, and before she was a jw, her and her sisters tried out a ouija board and all she said is that when they asked questions, her and her sisters were not moving the wand or marker, what ever you call it. Take it for what it's worth.
obiwan: Are you saying the pointer thing moved by itself? Sounds like they had active imaginations...
I had a JW tell me once that when she threw a oiuja board into the fireplace, it started screaming.
I believe in them wholeheartedley! I tried to burn my Watchtower one time in disgust and IT WOULDN'T BURN!!!!
I then re-lit the thing and it burned no problem.......
I tried the same thing. I had rolled up the Watchtower like a log, and it wouldn't burn. Open it up, allow the pages to get air, and it goes up perfectly!
As far as demons go, do they exist and bother humans? Perhaps, I don't know. But I do believe the WTS does go overboard in being afraid of them.
I personally have seen a ghost in my old home many times; the society claims they don't exist, or they are demons. I don't believe it was a demon, and it sure didn't hurt us.
Winston Smith :>D
Hi JR,
I have a couple of close friends who were in the ‘world’, then baptized as JW’s in their teen years. They gave me their first-hand account experiences w/demons.
One was never heavy into the occult, but a had a friend who was. This person told me of one time when their group of friends were messing with the Ouija board game. My close friend was upstairs in a bedroom by themselves doing something [the activity is irrelevant]. Later, this friend came downstairs and asked the Ouija board a Q concerning what they were doing in the bedroom previously. No one else would have known the answer to this Q as they weren’t in the room and they never told their friends. But the planchette moved to the correct answer on the Ouija board. My friend freaked out and never messed with any occult related activity after that.
A second friend was into drugs, the occult, etc. in their teen years before the Troof. Once they started studying with the dubs, they chucked out their occult related literature and possessions, stopped using drugs, etc. While they were making this transition from the occult to Dub-dom, they would be physically assaulted by unseen ‘spirits’ at night while trying to sleep. These forces would try choking my friend, smothering their face with pillows so they couldn’t breathe, and other similar things. It finally letup after they continued studying. My friend only talked about this once to me, and it was obvious that it was something that freaked them out and was very real to them.
For what it’s worth.
hi Jessica Rabbit,
I have never experimented with a ouija board myself, but like others here, have heard stories from those who have. Many people throughout my life ( from those who were in different religions and sects, to those who were atheists) have shared their experiences with me. Some were good experiences, and some were bad. The way I look at is that if one believes that spirits exist ( such as God ), then one probably believes that their are both postive and negative spirits. My own sister told me that the first thing she did when experimenting was to ask if she had a gardian angell. the answer was yes. but then she told me of another participant that night who thought the whole spirit/ouija board was silly and was making jokes and asked the board if he could communicate with an evil spirit, the planchette/pointer spelled out a person's name and scared the crap out of him because he could "FEEL the pull" of the planchette on the board.
Myself? I wouldn't even though I'm free to because.... why experiment with an Ouija board if I don't feel comfortable doing it? Since I've left the JW sect, I learned that I'm free to not do anything I'm not comfortable with, period. Along with that freedom, is the freedom to FREELY say and talk about things that make me uncomfortable! For example... I was never free to say that simply going door-to-door "offering" WT publications made me VERY uncomfortable as JW. Instead, I resorted to secretly chucking them ( the WT and AWAKE! mags) into the ladies room trash can that was in whatever shop we stopped for "coffee break", and then counting them as "placed". They were placed alright. :-)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to other responses to this thread. Maybe people here did experiment with Ouija boards and other things and can talk about what their own experiences were, besides us who only had others tell secondhand what they experienced. Thanks for the post!
I think I have a very high awareness of things that aren't quite on our plane of existence, somtimes it scares me. I tell you one thing though .. messing with ouija boards is silliness, you are plain and simply opening a door and inviting anyone who chooses to come through. It could go good or bad .. I would prefer to not take any chances.
Demons is a rather ralative term though .. demon as a word could be used to describe somebody thats died that is quite evil in nature.
Theres alot more out there than we know about.