How often do you, ........ No not that, how often do look at this forum ? And how long does it last,....... no not that again (one track minds) how many looks are you addicted to a day? Keep coming back to see anything new, or do you look at posters who you know from experience have comments that will interest you?
After being absent for a time and now a returned user, I was nearly apoplectic with rage when the main UK broadband service was out for what seemed eternity but was just a day.Made me think am I an addict, is this forum habit forming, it must be as so many posters have a track record of years being here with (helpful) comments
could not last long without a fix, Simon have you any gum or patches to help addicts cope without the real thing in case of sudden withdrawal symptoms when net is down?
no internet yesterday, realised how much time it takes, but unlike cigarette addiction, this one has no known side effects, or are there. . . . . . .