A religon of the women, by the men, for the men

by never a jw 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    My wife and daughter organized some sort of tea party for the older sisters in the congregation.

    Here are the details::

    2 happily married to believers who do the minimum to stay off the radar of congregation police,

    3 single and over the age of 30,

    5 are/were married to non-believers,

    1 divorced/separated from ex-believer.

    Not a single sister was married to what you would call "a very spiritual" brother, and the great majority don't even have a husband in the "truth". It's interesting that the very people who are treated like second class citizen stick it out for this organization

  • tor1500


    I'm a witness...and what you say is all true...You said it's interesting that the very people who are treated like second class citizens stick it out for this org....Do you know why? They have a place to belong....it's a social setting...it's like a social merry go round....you can jump on and off anytime you want...always something going on..

    Many have to stay with the org...otherwise they would be twirling on bar stools...witnesses (some) are extremist...so being in the org. helps many help themselves, otherwise, no telling what they would be doing...

    If you want to marry and didn't put your stamp on a brother while growing up...you out of luck...that's how some of the sisters get married...when young they put they radar on the brother...poor brother he don't even know what hit him, except... I guess I better get married or I won't get no sex....and boy oh boy I'm horny, and can't watch porno...what's a guy to do...oh well get married...

    Many of the sisters don't get baptized right away, go into the world, meet someone...get married...because now they are not burning with passion so now they can come back to the org and play nice nice...no longer under the radar ....because she got a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuusband now...so don't go messing with her...

    The org. is also a place for the lonely and displaced...some of the friends text regarding daily text...some are texting 3,4 & 5 AM....why, can't sleep...horny...won't admit it...they call it anxiety, or depression... They are trying to be something that they are not....suppressing their sexuality...they eat and do anything to avoid what the real problem is....JUST PLAIN HORNY....

    Many would like to meet a guy but want to say in the org....but they also know the brothers aren't all that either...they are starting to see all non-witness men are not what the org. says they are...in actuality, the org. is describing the brothers....

    Being in the org. makes one accountable...aka: guilt...most women are attracted to religion...don't know what's that about...guess we are programmed to listen to man....

    The org. is a comfort zone for many....some of the sisters are in a marriage they can't leave, same as the brothers....some got married just to have sex...now they don't even know one another...

    FYI: There are no spiritual brothers in the org...Men are human and before they were a witness they are men...women go into religion thinking they can find a man...and he would be so different...NOT...he will look at other women, and whatever else men do...but they should not be put on a pedestal...not fair....just like women, men should not put them on a pedestal either...we are all human and make mistakes...

    It's difficult to find a mate today....see all the dating sites...too many women...and men don't have to have just one woman...he has choices...females... not so much...

    A thought....any man bad or good can have a woman...look at Charles Manson...he had a few... but a good woman can live a lifetime and not have anyone...

    Again, most of the women in the truth it's where they get the love...even if it's from a fellow sister...


  • TD
    A thought....any man bad or good can have a woman...look at Charles Manson...he had a few... but a good woman can live a lifetime and not have anyone...

    There are plenty of men out there who would be stunned by this idea. They would argue that the reality is just exactly opposite of what you have said.

    I don't know who's right and who's wrong here. I don't see how either idea could be mathematically possible.

  • waton

    A striking title. certainly some is true, we might not have evidence of ladies fainting in front of elders like for Elvis, or of screaming groupies as for the Beatles., but some behaviour surely could be explained by hormones in action. The modern Sons of Eli must owe their success to more than willing participants. I remember---

  • JW_Rogue

    While it's true that the power in the organization lies with the men, women seem more emotionally attached to the religion and it's promises than men. Plus, you have to move pretty far up to achieve any real power in the org even a COBE is an unpaid underling to the CO. Many young men would rather just have some level of freedom than put up with it all just to hope to get a title.

  • steve2

    It is an invariable rule seldom broken: Religious affiliation the world over is overwhelming over-represented by women. The fact that most religious organizations are patriarchal in their structure matters not: Women outnumber men. That is as true with the JWs as it is the mainstream religious groups.

    Explaining this phenomenon has exercised minds for decades, if not centuries. Go to any church meeting and do a count: Females outnumber men. Go further up the chain of power and authority: It is a men-only zone.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    @tor1500: Do you know why? They have a place to belong.

    Yes. that's the main reason. Many of the older ladies (40 and up) don't fit in the new order of internet and social media and also would feel lonely, lost and depressed outside of the org. In fact, there's many older men who also are part of this class. They need the org to find purpose, a sense of importance and a social life, in spite of all the abuse.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    By the way, what prompted the thread is unexpectedly learning that one of those sister had separated from her JW husband. Something I am seeing quite often, especially in couples who have stayed together in the truth for 20 years or more, and raised their children there too. It seems that in many of those cases divorce follows after disfellowshipping or fading of the male mate. A story that we all are very familiar with: "man wakes up, man tries awakening female, female talks to the elders, male gets disfellowshipped, male and female divorce"

    I see only doom and gloom in the horizon. You better watch out Watchtower.

  • waton
    "--man wakes up, man tries awakening female, female talks to the elders, male gets disfellowshipped, male and female divorce"

    which boils down to the female really bonded to the wt more than the life-giving / life- passing family arrangement. There was a name in the bible for arrangements like that.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    yep--i married a born in god-botherer. somehow the marriage endured 13 years.

    even god is fed up with the silly b1tch now.

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