The "Jesus is Michael" teaching soon to go?

by Island Man 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Could the teaching that Jesus is Michael the archangel, be soon to be discarded?

    First of all, Watchtower is big on image and this is one of those teachings that paint the JW religion as being rather kooky and heretical. Secondly, this teaching is not an original Watchtower teaching but one they inherited from their Second Adventist ancestry. SDA's teach the same thing. So dumping this teaching can be spun by Watchtower as them further expunging themselves of the last vestiges of false teachings from christendom, and further marking a distinction between JWs and other groups. Thirdly, it's not a teaching that is critical to the framework of the JW belief system. It is not a linchpin teaching like 1914, but more of an obscure side point. They stand to gain more than they will ever lose, if they dump it. So could this be one of the current JW teachings that will soon be abandoned?

  • steve2

    Well your reasoning sounds plausible - but where are the actual indications JW organization will ditch this teaching - and why would they do it after all this time?

  • wannaexit

    Watchtower has flip flopped on so many teachings. Anything is possible.

  • slimboyfat

    I don't see any reason to change it. It's a reasonable position. I see no advantage in changing it. To distance themselves from Adventists? JWs have very little sense of having anything much to do with Adventists anyway.

  • 2+2=5

    I don't see any reason to change it. It's a reasonable position. I see no advantage in changing it. To distance themselves from Adventists? JWs have very little sense of having anything much to do with Adventists anyway.

  • scratchme1010

    Jesus is in fact Michael.

  • berrygerry

    Way too many questions to answer then with Rev. 12:7

  • Crazyguy

    The current GBs seem to be more interested in retaining and defending current doctrine. They seem to even pulled back the blood doctrine to be more pre 2006

  • smiddy

    Do the Jewhovahs Witnesses ever really change doctrine ?(I think I have just stumbled on a new term )

    Dont they just let it fade into obscurity ?

  • Vanderhoven7

    If they give up the created angelic status of Jesus, they invite ontological questions related to origin, nature and divinity.... which the GB can't answer. They had Jesus demoted in 1954 determining that He was not entitled to worship after all - so that they no longer would be accused of worshiping 2 Gods; a big one and a little one.

    I suspect they are quite content with the status quo.

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