Yes, that paragraph 15 caps a theme carried over from the previous WT, a campaign to tamp down the resentment of being booted out of Bethel, reassigned, or removed from one's position and complaining about it.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT November 3, 2019 WT Study Article (September 2019) JAH VALUES HUMBLE SERVANTS
by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Blondie,
Good critique!
Some more food for thought is that jw's claim to be sooooo Christian but not one mention of jesus in that wt study yesterday! I guess he wasn't humble enough to make article yesterday!
just saying!
Par. 11
"-If we receive counsel we may ahve strayed more than we realized -" -We might criticize the person who gave it"
Try pointing out t wt weiters, the GB, that they have strayed too far, on Istael of God, Sperior Authorities, Generation anointed and overlapping,
even if they later "on further consideration" come to their senses -somewhat-.
find out how humble they really are. like
The Jethro incident alluded to in Par 14, where a non- Israelite corrected Moses' attempt at monopolizing judgement duties.