The day my heart stopped. I was at University Studios Hollywood with friends from a neighboring hall who have a child with the same condition as my son. A cancer event funded by one of Eva Longorias group called Padres Contra del Cancer. There were 8 of us. There little girl was in a wheelchair that I was pushing through a crowded area. Our friends older daughter 7 was holding my daughter's hand 5.
After we got through this heavy traffic area and getting ready to get on an elevator. 5 to 10 minutes passed. I looked at our group to make sure we were all together and she was gone.
After about 10 to 15 minutes of chaotic panic. 1 adult with the kids, my wife in one direction, another adult back toward where we were coming from, and me climbing a pole like king Kong to try and get a view above the crowds. Security was on it after they saw me. Then I saw my friend walking toward me with my daughter in tow.
She let go of her friends hand halfway through the congested area and just stayed there waiting for us to find her. She wasn't crying or worried at all.