2022-02-17-Watchtower Defense Manuals-Loss of State Support--Norway!

by Atlantis 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    2022-02-17-- Watchtower Defense Manuals on the loss of State Support in Norway.

    The English Manual is 32 pages long and the Norwegian Manual is 40 pages long. Both Manuals are in this file folder.


  • jonahstourguide

    Thank you as always Atlantis.

    Found para 55 through 57 interesting lies.

    55. There are, of course, religious consequences if a person withdraws. When a person distances himself from the congregation, he formally renounces his spiritual position as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Withdrawal is a conscious act initiated by someone who belongs to the church. Unlike someone who becomes weak in the faith, becomes less active, or stops attending worship, such a person consciously chooses to break his spiritual ties to the congregation as he withdraws and distances himself from the congregation. His decision will therefore be respected, and the spiritual ties to the congregation will be severed.

    56. What about the social ties? As part of Jehovah's Witnesses' religious beliefs and practices, they follow the Bible's admonition to limit or stop associating with people who reject or leave their religion. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 2 John 1:9-11) However, the only information given to the congregation is this: "[The person's name] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Nothing else is said about him.

    57. The congregation has no control over how the individual in the congregation applies biblical principles to stop associating with him. It is up to each individual in the congregation to use their personal religious conscience to determine whether or not they want to limit contact with a person who has withdrawn, just as they would relate to a person who is disfellowshipped. The religious community does not control, nor can it control, whether those who belong to congregations answer calls from someone who has withdrawn, drink coffee with them, eat a meal with them, or greet them on the street. Each individual in the congregation who limits or ceases to socialize a person who has withdrawn, does so voluntarily and of his own volition, based on their own religious conscience.

    bold is mine

    Just like they said at the Australian Royal Commission,," We don't dis-fellowship them, they dis-fellowship themselves" ha ha.

    Just making some German Cabbage Rolls in Australia, they're on their way with an Australian beer; Coopers Sparkling Ale,,,, made in South Australia.


  • zahoots

    Big Thanks Petra!--Atlantis!

  • Yomama


  • Yomama

    Wait a minute they can drink coffee eat meal where are jw were did you hide them,?

  • Atlantis


    German Cabbage Rolls and Coopers Sparkling Ale? Oh boy! Sound good! Drinks on the house for everybody!





  • Listener

    Thanks Atlantis.

    In para 26 they state

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not impose their beliefs on anyone.

    They certainly do impose their beliefs on others, in particular, their children or those living in their home.

    Amazingly, in para 27 they clearly say they don't impose their beliefs on their own children stating

    Accordingly, Jehovah's Witnesses do not force or pressure their children to adopt their faith.

    Tony Morris' instructions to withhold drivers licenses comes to mind for a start.

    Then weirdly, they continue on in the following paragraphs to explain how they deeply indoctrinate children through their propoganda.

    In Para 35 they state

    If a member of the congregation decides to stop living by the moral standards of the Bible and commits a serious sin, the body of elders will ask two elders to try to give him loving spiritual help.

    Why they claim there are only two Elders involved in 'helping' the JW is strange, maybe they consider that if they said there were three Elders it would look as if they were being even more overbearing.

    They are using any argument that they can such as the following

    89. To illustrate how theoretical the State Administrator's concerns are, we can state that as of the date of submission of this complaint, only one person under the age of 18 is disfellowshipped in Norway (and who otherwise turns 18 later this year). It is offensive to suggest that all or even some of the baptized youth in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses live by the moral standards of the Bible against their own free will or for fear of being disfellowshipped and rejected

    They are arguing on the basis of being 'offensive' (they use emotions all throughout their defense) even though there own data indicates there is cause to suggest that there may be truth in the argument. That is, if there is only one person under the age of 18 disfellowshipped in Norway then the JW children may be in fear of being df'd and rejected since the number is so low.

    There argument also claims that there is a suggestion that all baptized youths are in fear of being df'd/rejected/living against their own free will. Exaggerating rather than being factual is just one of their practices.

  • smiddy3

    Your welcome to C.S.A.,jtg , i`ll stick to a VB or a Carlton Ale thank you and a meat pie .Thanks Atlantis

  • inbetween

    57. The congregation has no control over how the individual in the congregation applies biblical principles to stop associating with him. It is up to each individual in the congregation to use their personal religious conscience to determine whether or not they want to limit contact with a person who has withdrawn, just as they would relate to a person who is disfellowshipped. The religious community does not control, nor can it control, whether those who belong to congregations answer calls from someone who has withdrawn, drink coffee with them, eat a meal with them, or greet them on the street. Each individual in the congregation who limits or ceases to socialize a person who has withdrawn, does so voluntarily and of his own volition, based on their own religious conscience.

    This is an outright lie, hope they don`t get away with it. Somebody send them a copy of the Shepherding book, where it clearly states, that if you have association with someone dfd, who is not your relative, you get a JC and possible dfd yourself.

    It really puzzles me how someone being a JW (assuming this was written at least with agreement of a JW) outspokenly tells untruth like that. Its not like, well ambigous, or matter of interpretation, this is clearly false. What kind of conscience do those people have ?

  • Atlantis


    Great comments Listener! The Tower sure knows how to leave a fowl smell in the air when they defend themselves, don't they?



    Carlton Ale? Say, I am going to have to give that a try! Thanks!



    They are the best liars on earth! But they are not fooling the members of this board!!! (Don't force their beliefs on anyone. What a crock of: @#$%%$#@! ) If there was an award for "best liars", the Tower would win hands down!



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