OrphanCrow...........retry the link. I was off by one number. It should work now!
by biblexaminer 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
OrphanCrow...............retry the link. I copied it incorrectly and have fixed it now.
Why would they have, as their main number in 2009, the telephone number of the FRONT DESK of a hotel?
That hotel has been there for decades.
Here's everything about the company:
The company is a bunch of Jews in a family connected business. Sholom Drizin is the principal owner. 64.5% common stock held.
Beth Sarim
amazing and interesting
I've been saying it at home for a while. The Watchtower is into it with the Jews.
I've been convinced for some time that the Bible Students that went through the Nazi war camp's experience alongside Jews made some friends. And this resulted in an alliance of sorts, where old Jew's money helped Watchtower along.
But, I believe that a new generation of Jews is asking back their investment. I believe that the NY buildings are being sold to satisfy a debt to Jewish families. (children)
If that's the case, then the $1b forthcoming from the NY sales will disappear down the rabbit hole as fast as it appears.
I have also come to believe that Bros and Sis's who were encouraged to go to Israel last year were used as mules to smuggle wealth out of the USA and into Israel.
And before you call me a nut, I didn't come up with this on my own.
A CO sat at my dinner table and told me in detail how missionaries come home, and have cash stashed in their luggage to smuggle out of the country on their return. He even detailed an experience of how one couple was almost caught!
Eye opener for me.
Where did the cash come from, I thought. I couldn't ask him... But where does cash come from? The contribution box. That would mean they have to keep two sets of books. One for the government to see, another for slush.
Will we live long enough to discover?
I've been convinced for some time that the Bible Students that went through the Nazi war camp's experience alongside Jews made some friends. And this resulted in an alliance of sorts, where old Jew's money helped Watchtower along.
No. The Jewish conference would not pay compensation to a Jewish person who was a Jehovah's Witness in the concentration camps during the second world war (in 1999 if I recollect). The Watchtower made bones about this fact. The fact is Jews are condescending towards Jehovah's Witnesses as they presume to take the place of the Jewish nation.
Did you read the document I posted earlier. The entire Watchtower inc. is laid out for your inspection. There is not whiff of Jehovah's Witness involvement.
If I reasoned like you do I could say the ENTIRE New York Stock Exchange was under the Watchtowers control. How could I claim that? Well stock brokers used to look at Watchtower NY HQ display board to see which scripture was being used that week and based upon that they would buy or sell. This is well documented (Apocalypse Delayed - Penton).
But, I believe that a new generation of Jews is asking back their investment. I believe that the NY buildings are being sold to satisfy a debt to Jewish families. (children) If that's the case, then the $1b forthcoming from the NY sales will disappear down the rabbit hole as fast as it appears.
Do you have any concrete facts to back this up?
Pass this info to Trey Bundy!!
@ttdtt remember that where you incorporate doesn't mean much. Nevada has a good tax advantages so people incorporate there.
Looks like a penny stock that failed,
The Company was focused on becoming involved in the growing market for renewable and environmentally sustainable energy and intended to market and resell agricultural based bio-diesel fuels
Definitely sounds like something you might get from a farm.
Phone number search turns up
St George Hotel
100 Henry St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Another interesting link
Note their web page is http://watchtowerdocuments.org/ which appears to be an exjw site?