New Loophole Created: You can cheat on your spouse without him/her being able to divorce you

by ILoveTTATT2 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT2

    The new "pillowgate" video exposed a loophole in the witnesses´s thinking, showing how dangerous and stupid legalism is.

    This loophole is sure to destroy many people´s lives.

    1) They said that two men masturbating at the same time in front of each other does NOT constitute "porneia".

    2) "porneia" is the only Biblical reason for divorce.

    3) From 1) we can also get two women masturbating in front of each other, or a man and a woman masturbating in front of each other, does NOT constitute "porneia".

    4) Most people would consider masturbating at the same time with another person to be cheating, and a logical reason for divorce.

    So this will lead to many witnesses going to the elders and being told that they cannot divorce this person who clearly cheated on them. Then, if this person (the "innocent mate") divorces and marries someone else, then THAT person would be the one possibly disfellowshipped!

    The implications of the loophole are so stupid and so damaging!

    I predict another flip-flop. "Considering things more closely, this IS "porneia"... or doubling down on it ("Sorry but that is what the Biblical limits are") or just fading away into those things that only 1% of JW´s know it´s a rule...

  • fastJehu
    3) From 1) we can also get two women masturbating in front of each other, or a man and a woman masturbating in front of each other, does NOT constitute "porneia".

    BUT - if one of them (man and woman masturbating in front of each other) will stay over night - this will be a biblical reason for divorce.

    You are right with: dangerous and stupid legalism is...
  • ILoveTTATT2

    Yes, but to complete the loophole, all you have to do is masturbate quickly. Lol.

  • stuckinarut2

    Ah, but if one of them does not reach orgasm, is it still "pornea"?

    Stupid f^%ktards! The GB really have become a laughing stock! As "jesus" said: "You have made the word of God invalid by your traditions"

  • steve2

    At least they've stopped the nonsense message that masturbating leads to homosexuality.

  • fulltimestudent

    Turning the pages of 'New Light''

    Haha !!!

    It seems I once took part in wrongly disfellowshipping a JW who had (more than once) masturbated in front of his best friend's wife, while tellling her what he really wanted to do to her..

    Wonderful how the ever-present YHWH/JESUS combo makes everything clearer. We should just have told him, "You're very naughty boy, don't do it again, or we will have to give a severe talking to."

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    I wish the pinhead puffy looking Gibbering Booty would address their horrendous child abuse issue with as much vigor as they do worrying about Bethelite men dry-humping pillows, doing lap dances on each other and masturbating themselves by wearing tight pajamas.

    Sour Grapes

  • JeffT

    In Crisis of Conscience, Ray Franz relates the case of a woman who couldn't divorce her husband even though he'd had sex with an animal. That also was not "pornea."

  • zeb

    It was some years back when the wt ruled on what couples could do or not do in their bedroom and from what I have read here and what was said in some ex bethelites writings the wt rules destroyed marriages many.

    It looks like another round is being prepared.

  • rebel8

    Can anyone honestly claim all of these statements are consistent with each other?

    if one of them (man and woman masturbating in front of each other) will stay over night - this will be a biblical reason for divorce.

    In Crisis of Conscience, Ray Franz relates the case of a woman who couldn't divorce her husband even though he'd had sex with an animal. That also was not "pornea."

    for God is not a God of confusion but of peace--1 Cor 14:33

    for I, the LORD, love justice--Isaiah 61:8

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