That's very hard to answer. Just what are your beliefs exactly? Are you still holding on to the belief that it is the truth, your going to live forever in paradise, the Governing Body is God's representatives here on earth, the Elders are looking after your very soul, you need to get back out there and knock on those doors as soon as possible, give talks, comment at the Watchtower Study the whole 9, this is just a temporary setback in your endurance to the end, millions now living will never die??? Did I miss anything?
Anyway if that is your belief you are definitely on the wrong site to get back into the society's good graces. If you want to just get back in so that you can interact with family and friends and then just fade away you are not alone here however finding a husband who is in the same boat as you might be a challenge. I happen to be AA df'd and single and do I miss a normal relationship with my mother,sister, nieces and nephews? Sure. Will I ever subject myself to another judicial tribunal for as long as I live? Hell no. Will I ever step foot into another KH? Hell no. Do I believe all the stuff I rattled off in the first paragraph? Hell no.
There's also this. If you are determined to get back on track and walk the straight and narrow-I don't know how it is now-but when I was in the "sisters" used to always lament that there were a shortage of "brothers" who were marriage material. Even the pure as the wind driven snow virgins are not finding suitable mates. Now's there's you who has a past. I know it's unfair but that's how these self righteous pricks think. Anyway you have a past and despite the fact that they belong to the "most loving organization on earth" "spiritual paradise" all that you will have a lot of people judging you. I can't tell you how to live your life if that's what you want to subject yourself to that's up to you. You've been in the org you know how these things work. On the other hand of course if you are convinced it is the truth than you have to do what you have to do. Good Luck to you either way