hehe, dr, you think that's bad...i tired to just cut and paste the link to this post i made about my first talk from way back when, but it didnt work, so here's the whole story in all of its glory:
oh i hated hated HATED giving talks!! i would nearly always throw up on talk day before meetings! my parents enlisted me in the TMS when i was four (a little ambitious, yeah?) and i CLEARLY remember my first experience as a householder. My mom says i was a big ham as a kid and VERY dramatic, and the sister giving the talk with me (i'll call her lisa, i can't remember her name really) kept cracking up at me when we were practicing. we practiced that thing for EVER. I cant remember exactly what the theme was, but in the beginning Lisa would ask me, 'Now, Brooke, do you know who Moses is?' and i was supposed to say, 'oh, yes, wasnt he the one who freed the slaves from egypt?' But i was all into it and trying to be a little actress so it came out more like 'oh YES, WASNT HE the ONE who FREED the SLAVES from EGYPT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?'. then the rest of the talk was something about how we today can really learn from Moses' example because blah blah blah, and then at the very end Lisa would say, '...and Moses - now, you remember Moses, don't you?' and i was just supposed to say yeah, and that was pretty much it.
SADLY, on talk day we were both a little nervous, and right before we went on stage, Lisa told me 'OK, brooke, now dont make me laugh or we'll blow it.' But i didnt know what 'blow it' meant. That threw me off, and i kept thinkign about it, what could it possible be, i thought it certainly had to do with blowing up a balloon or a whale's blow hole but i couldnt fathom how either one would tie into our talk. Anyway, ti was all going very well, and then we got to the last part, lisa said, 'now, you remember Moses, dont you Brooke?' But i got confused, and i said my favorite line again, 'OH YES, WASNT HE the ONE who FREEEEEED the SLAVES from EGYPT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
DEAD silence for like ten seconds. The Lisa LOST it. she explodes out laughing! i was horrified - i leaned over to her (and the mic, apparently) and said 'Lisa, dont laugh, i think youre blowing it!!' at which EVERYONE erupts into laughter, and i apparently start cracking up and slapping my knee which just sets everyone off even more, and we had to be ESCORTED off stage. needless to say i didnt give another talk for quite some time after that I think maybe I was THEIR pet peeve at the KH!! :p