It is quite blatant. They are pushing for numbers--how many of those are nothing more than fake time slips? And, I wonder how many are turned in under duress.
Then you have a group that, according to their own theology, is going through the motions and yet will be destroyed at Armageddon for "secret sin". Some can be turning in quite impressive numbers in field circus, they can be quite regular at the boasting sessions, yet not believe anything and only grudgingly obey some or all the rules. If they donate, they do so grudgingly and often stint. Or you have the group that seems to be doing quite nicely, yet they are only seeking to oppress others in the congregation. Such as those who have little groups that they pretend to be Jews in ancient Israel, with themselves playing God. Are these going to be destroyed at Armageddon, according to washtowel's own theology?
Perhaps if you only include those who are on the right track, and would survive under washtowel theology, in the numbers, you would find well under a million. And, of these, most would be those recently baptized--once you do this grind for a few years, you are going to lose genuine interest quite soon.