According to WT chronology, the flood of Noah happened about 2600 BCE, after which man was allowed for the first time to hunt animals for food and eat meat.
According to the news, the "iceman" mummy discovered frozen, well preserved and the object of much scientific study, is 5,000 years old. This dates his existence to about 3000 BCE, well before the flood.
Below is today's MSNBC news report on what they found in his stomach, and it raises an obvious question: Did man eat meat prior to the flood? Note the last sentence in the excerpt:
Otzi, the oldest mummy ever unearthed, was found in the Italian Alps in 1991. Scientists were thrilled to find he had remained frozen, and almost perfectly preserved, for thousands of years.
He wore clothing made from leather and grasses and carried a copper axe, a bow and arrows. Later, an arrowhead was found in his left shoulder, suggesting Otzi did not simply freeze to death while climbing the high mountains, but was shot by a fellow hunter.
After studying the corpse’s intestines, Italian researcher Franco Rollo concluded last year that the iceman’s final meals consisted of venison and ibex meat.