Holy cow.!!!!! I go out for the afternoon and when I come home the world has gone to hell in a handbasket? What the heck is going on????
50 million people with no power, no air conditioning, no elevators,
"NO TIM HORTON"S COFFEE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Washington, New York, Toronto, all blacked out.
Temperature reaching 35 degrees celius.. drink lots of water and sleep in your basements if you need to to keep cool
Red cross is passsing out thousands of bottles of water.
National guard has agreed to come in to New York because of fears of looting.
Cause now believed to be from a fire and Niagara Power plant on U.S. side of border causing a cascading effect.
Not much power in Ottawa except for places being supplied by power from Quebec ( I guess that means Scully is out of touch)
President Bush is going to be coming on T.V. in the next hour to talk to the people.
All airports are down in major centers
The tunnel between Detroit and Canadian Border has been shut down re no ventilation within the tunnel.
Back ups at border crossings betwoeen U.S. and Canada.
Trains shut down, subways shut down.
Pearson International in Toronto redirecting flights to other areas to land.
Downtown Toronto in gridlock chaos. Blackout occurred during 4 pm rushhour. People can't get home.
I'm glad ShielaM called Rayzorblade and he is okay.
Kitchener, Burlington and Guelph in Ontario have their power back now.
I'm going to listen to President Bush..
Special K