At a bible study when I was younger I read this scripture out loud and totally did with a straight face realising what they were talking about halfway through it. I think I start reading in verse 12 "When evening falls, he should wash with water, and then he may return to the camp at sunset.+ 12 A private place* should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go. 13 A peg should be part of your equipment. When you squat outside, you should dig a hole with it and then cover your excrement."
Can some one please explain Deuteronomy 23:12-13
by Jayk 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm not sure what there is to explain?
Why exactly was it needed in the bible? Or most importantly it was quoted in one of the books we where reading from a long time ago it was a side scripture we looked up at a bible study. I think the book at the time was called "walking with jesus" or something like that.. thought it was a good laugh now. I understand what it means.
WT liked to use this as evidence that his people had superior/divine knowledge of things like sanitation, hygiene etc long before medical science caught up. LOL.
Yahweh the desert God picked a bunch of morons as his people. So he had to instruct them on how to take a dump!
Basically what nowhat said.
Makes sense. On a side note. My aunt told me something about Jod or some other people know the earth was round or that we're floating in space. I made the remark "could you imagine we where created by aliens or what you call a god is actually a alien" she actually seemed slightly open to the fact but quickly turned it back to accepting the bibles word.. translate it any which way you want but accept the bible as truth..
Hanged Man
It's a lot of shit
I'm a fan of the movie "space oddesy" and only recently saw the movie. Before I ever watched it or knew what it was about I had my own theories about aliens possibly being gods.
By wt count the mixed multitude was ~2000 000 people? imagine the constant trek in and out of the the camp; besides, with all that buried fertilizer, why is that place still barren?