Hello all, I'm 'Researching', a JW who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.
I've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (Pennsylvania Attorney General’s investigation request) and then the ARC in 2015. This lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
A JW friend of mine suggested I be careful (due to Apostates) and ask the Brothers. So I typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an Elder my mother has known for a long time. He in turn said he didn't want to put his own personal 'spin' or perspective on things, saying he is going to pass the information on to a Circuit Overseer who will be in town (at the time) in a few weeks.
Hopefully, by the end of this week the CO should obtain the link to the questions. I'm nervous and excited...I hope they take me seriously and don't just brush me off.
Some of the questions, etc I typed up is:
(I used scriptures + official transcript of the 2015 ARC Investigation to back up my points)
- The Two Witness Rule
- Shunning
- Briefly about Sexual Abuse Claims, Investigations, Lawsuits, etc
- Women's Roles and Submissiveness
- Double-Standards
I also asked whether the Elder could confirm whether there is an Elder's Manual, etc. My mother believes 100% in the Organization and that everything else is 100% Apostate. That even the ARC Transcript could be fake/false since governments and media are controlled by Satan. She also doesn't believe that the Elders keep records on us, with special information under a 'Do Not Destroy' label.
I haven't gone to a meeting since I've started my investigation, though I might call in to one tonight and look at the information presented more objectively. I was born into the religion so even posting in this forum will have consequences for me if I've found out. I'm at the point where I am questioning the policies, Governing Body, etc but haven't delved into my core beliefs yet. Everything sort of hinges on how the Circuit Overseer responds...