Unfortunately, before the internet was around, most anti-JW info, was passed on thru reading, and word of mouth. If someone got hold of some really life changing information, they would usually discuss it with their close JW friends, and family.
The problem with this, is that it contributed, and gave credence to, the whole "apostate, causing division in the congregation" label. There were MANY who knew they risked a lot by even discussing this with others, yet they still took the chance, as they felt it was worth it. There were also many who were too scared to say a word.
Those that did expose the TTATT, usually had 1 of 2 things occur. They were a "lone wolf", that was DF'd for being contentious. They were labelled, and branded as an "apostate", the worst offence in JW land. The second outcome, was usually that a group of people came together, and realized that the Borg was wrong. They collectively were branded as a contentious group, and all parties usually left, or were DF'd.
It took a lot more courage, I feel, to expose the TTATT, back in the 70's and 80's. The information was not readily available, and it was much easier for the org, or elders, to discredit someone. The "apostate" was easily branded as a "crazy person", or whacko. The R&F easily went along with it, and gave it no more thought.
I specifically remember, when I was a kid in the mid 80's, a "group" in my congregation that were DF'd for "apostasy". They got caught up in the "witch hunts" at that time, which were very prevalent. Fred Franz was on an obsessive mission to "weed out", these apostates. It was on the heels of Ray Franz's book, and DF'ing. My old congregation when I was a kid, was 15 miles outside of Brooklyn bethel, and quite a few in my congregation had ties to the Franz's, and other "big wigs".
This led to a lot of people taking sides, and many who took Rays side, got the boot. Knowing what I know now, you learn to realize how RIGHT those "apostates" were, and the sacrifice and courage they had.