Interesting site I found by some present day Bible Students that claim the JWs shouldn't trace their beginnings back to Charles Russell..... I wonder what practicing JWs would say if they read this (or would they really care)?
Pastor Russell NOT the founder of JWs
by Double Edge 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Since coming to this site I have considered Rutherford an apostate of Russell's teachings and the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses (the name he gave them in 1933). But Russell's teachings weren't that great either. Come on, using the measurments of the pyramids to find out the year of the end of the world? Miracle wheat? Black people praying themselves white?
Nathan Natas
"Contrary to some publicity made concerning "Jehovah's Witnesses," Pastor Russell is not the founder of this religious group. He has never associated with "Jehovah's Witnesses" nor did he ever claim the name. Pastor Charles T. Russell died in 1916. The "Jehovah's Witnesses" came into existence later. Associating Pastor Russell with "Jehovah's Witnesses" leaves the decidedly mistaken view that their teachings and beliefs are alike. Such is not the case..."
This is true, yet it is something that JWs in general completely ignore. The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" was coined by Rutherford in 1931, fifteen years after Russell died. JWs like to pretend - or ignore - the fact that The Bible Students still exist today and are doing just fine without the WTBTS. Recent WTS publications have even made the statement that certain Bible Student publications are no longer published, which is something the boys in Brooklyn know is absolutely not true.
Oops. You are right Nathan. It was 1931. Been out of the cult too long to remember those silly dates drilled into my poor little head since infancy.
It's true that Russell was not the founder either way I look at it. If I take the short view, Rutherford was the founder, and actually the organization as we know it today, was formed by Knorr and Franz. If I take the long view, the one I prefer, William Miller was the founder. I can not write the history of the movement without going to Miller. I can trace the business corporation to Russell without a doubt. I guess it depends if I want to win an argument or report history. -
Actually, after reading a similar site I started attending the Bible Student meetings in 2/03 and stopped going to the KH. Of course, I had other doctrinal issues with the WTBTS, but after going to both the Bible Student meetings and the KH for awhile, I found the Bible Student meetings to be more stimulating. What impressed me was that they can openly disagree with each other and it's not the chaos that the WTBTS would have us believe it would be.
run dont walk
Since coming to this site I have considered Rutherford an apostate of Russell's teachings and the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses (the name he gave them in 1931).
I agree totally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great article !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told a Jehovah Witness that the founder of their religion was Charles Taze Russell, and he said that I was mistaken. That Jehovah Witnesses have always existed and that Charles Taze Russell just put things in place. He said that they wouldn't follow a man-made religion. I learn more as I talk to these people...
Double Edge
Thanks for the response. I do have an additional question .... do JWs ever learn their history? In other words, did you 'guys' have classes or lessons on the evolution of the JWs? The reason I'm asking, is my JW friend doesn't seem to know too much of their history... I didn't know if it was them or JWs in general.
Nathan Natas
From time to time, whenever they discover they have things they'd like to sweep under the carpet, the WTS releases a revised book of JW history. I think the latest is "Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom." An earlier book was "Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose," which is available on the FREE "Watchtower Bookshelf CD" (WT BS CD). The WT BS CD is NOT a WTS publication, by the way. Did I mention that it was FREE for the asking? Go ahead, ask.