Sorry to have to say it, but it is true. There is a double-standard in the Witness religion in every way you can imagine!
This ranges from harsher treatment towards women and them being Df'd for immorality whereas a man will get a slap on the wrist; general talking down to and lack of respect; WAY overstepping of boundaries when talking to women and last, but not least, pushing poverty for single women and getting them to do favors for all the USERS in the hall.
I resisted them in every way.
I came into the JW religion as a working young woman, and I had healthy self-esteem that these insecure morons were not robbing from me. Nor was I following in the footsteps of other single women there. These bastard Witnesses are not looking out for the welfare of single women there and I followed my instincts of self-preservation!! I had to.
Of course, I paid the price by being unpopular and not invited much, but that's okay and I'm grateful today that I listened to my gut. I couldn't care less how I was viewed.