Child sexual abuses accusations in Spain

by sp74bb 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sp74bb

    Spanish branch starts to be nervous since a few days. Clear and detailed child abuse accusations has been posted on Spanish forum:ómplices&p=513578#post513578

    After 23 years, a lot of info and details from abused childs, one of them metal retarded, has permitted to some ex-JW to compile tons of info. A judicial committee was made but revoked.

    The info points as well to business links between the suspected abuser and big guys in the area, in the Spanish branch but pointing as well to other Branch members now living in Mexico. It points as well on bribes and payments in cash to important members of the WT, at that time in Brooklyn.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Image result for the dam is breaking

    What was once a little trickle of negative press is about to break open the dam!'

    And hopefully "break the bank".


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  • sp74bb

    I wish so !!!

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  • Saename

    Is some Spanish organisation like the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that is in Australia going to be investigating the Watchtower policies in Spain? (Note that I am not asking whether the ARC will be investigating the Spanish branch. I am asking whether some Spanish organisation that takes care of such policies in Spain will be investigating Watchtower. I hope I was understood...)

    Thanks in advance for any response.

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  • SAHS

    TO “Saename”:

    You know what would really be best is if there were something similar to the Australian Royal Commission (ARC) but set up by the United Nations. Then, the various issues of child abuse and cover-ups within the Watchtower organization could hopefully get the international attention it needs. Now, wouldn’t that be great publicity exposure for the WT!

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  • Saename

    SAHS, you are so right! This is something that I have thought about a few weeks ago, actually. If the United Nations organised an investigation of the Watchtower's policies, it would be great. The Witnesses would be running around in circles screaming, "Persecution! Persecution!"

    The world should start a so-called witch hunt. Except that it'd be a witch hunt not for witches but for sexual abusers, especially in religions, and especially in the Jehovah's Witness organisation since it is a fundamentalist religion that claims the Bible is the inerrant word of God, which inevitably leads to inadequate policies in protection of victims.

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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower


    Are any Bethelites that have been dismissed without benefits after years of service getting a class action lawsuit going? I feel it is a terrible shame the way the WT corporation is treating these people in order make profits from the cheap labor of indoctrinated believers. I hope they get something from corporate headquarter. .

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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    It points as well on bribes and payments in cash to important members of the WT, at that time in Brooklyn.

    Can you be a little more specific as to who these important member were? Would this be a matter for putting some important member behind bars and heavy fines imposed? I wonder? I think this could really threaten "God's organization big time. They will definitely will be world news with this one and their credit ratting down to zero. on this one.

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  • careful

    If the United Nations organised an investigation of the Watchtower's policies, it would be great. The Witnesses would be running around in circles screaming, "Persecution! Persecution!"

    Saename, it would be more than that. Remember how, according to them, the wild beast (= the UN) will turn on all religions, including them. To them, it would be fulfillment of biblical prophecy!

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  • sp74bb


    Only judicial authorities can help on this, based on documents they have received and testimonials.


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