May 21, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Annual Items for 2017
by wifibandit 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No more Calendars! End of an era. -
No more Calendars! End of an era.
They were worthless. How could you plan special weekends when they failed to show "worldly" holidays. Face it, even as a JDub your vacations/holidays revolved around "worldly" holidays.
Surely they will make it possible for JDubs to print their own calendar off of JW..Org, no?
Requesting printed bound volumes is discouraged.
These are for research purposes, dummies, not for building your personal libraries.
Barrold Bonds
I haven't used a paper calendar in 15 years. I imagine the majority of people don't anymore because of the ubiquity of smartphones.
It is funny though to think about the talks given once in a while about the importance of the JW calendar. Not that important anymore, though, eh?
So even 2017 yearbook to be out early October already? Will it include 2016 Service Year Report w/stats already? Or maybe not tallied up yet by then? -
no more calenders not more cutting of costs -
The calendars were always wrong anyway!
They used pagan names of days and weeks.....
Real Witnesses should have been using the calendar Russel invented...
Dont know about that?? Google it.... It will blow your mind....
Island Man
I can hear some uber-paranoid doomsday dubs now:
"What, no calendar for 2017! That can only mean . . . [gasp] . . . the end is . . . is . . . a blink of an eye away! They system will not last till 2017!!!"