HOW the WatchTower leaders flipped the script on Christianity

by TerryWalstrom 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TerryWalstrom

    How did it come to this?

    Worship of Jesus was declared to be an act of IDOLATRY!

    We are going to examine the cataclysmic changeover in Christian teaching exploding inside the WatchTower religion in the early 50’s by exploring a background of the history of Jesus’ place in Christianity. JW teaching about the nature of Jesus’ importance in the salvation of mankind will be compared with Christian history. Finally, the reason for a dramatic demotion of Jesus as the central character in human salvation will be examined for motives.

    _______THINGS WE NEED TO KNOW_______

    There is a tension between Truth and Lies.
    True things cannot self-contradict.
    To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s integrity.

    Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification. No concept man forms is valid unless there is integration without contradiction into the total sum of all knowledge.

    With that in mind, let’s take a peek at the origin of Christianity. What did it mean to become Christian?

    ______BEGIN at the BEGINNING_____

    The changeover from Judaism to Christianity for 1st century Jews was wired directly into Judaism with the logical quest for the identification of Messiah or Christ. Did any person claiming to be Messiah fit the scriptures describing such one?

    With the arrival of Jesus, a question arose spoken by him:

    “Who do you say I am?”

    New International Version

    "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

    Peter answered, "You are the Messiah."

    Jews who agreed with Peter’s identification of Jesus found themselves grappling with their personal understanding of monotheism, worship, and obvious distinctions in Jesus’ nature, character, behavior, and miracles compared with ordinary men.

    The task of the Jews was to accept the miraculous demonstrations of love on the part of Jesus as convincing proof He / God loved them and wanted life eternal for them. Raising the dead man (Lazarus) back to life should have confirmed the penetration of the divine into their Earthly reality.

    Jesus refers to himself not only as “the way” and “the life” but also as “the Truth.”

    This meant Jesus’ miracles, in reality, represented the actual existence of the one true God among them, shepherding, and dying sacrificially on their behalf.

    A large problem for Jews and Gentiles alike in accepting Jesus centered on intellectual efforts to understand the Divine Nature Christ had demonstrated in his miracles.

    Opinions varied about Jesus.
    1. He was only human.
    2. No, he was half-human and half-god (Demi-god).
    3. No, he was a human inhabited by a spirit.

    4. No, he was the Logos, Wisdom incarnate.

    5. No, he was ‘adopted’ by Jehovah and given an inheritance of divinity.

    6. No, he was himself the God of Israel!

    7. No, he was the archangel, Michael. . .


    Where could all that diversity end except in disunity, quarreling, violence, and cries of Apostasy? Right?


    If only some agreement could be reached to unite Jews and Christians in fealty, harmony, and true belief.

    Was it possible?

    ______________UNITED believers in a UNIVERSAL Belief___

    Around 101 C.E. in the days of St. Ignatius, Christians began referring to themselves a certain way. (as Katholikos).

    From the Letter to the Smyrnaeans by St. Ignatius of Antioch:

    “Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.”

    The Christians themselves called themselves katholikos. This signified a Universality or oneness in teaching and belief and the acceptance of the Redemption of Jesus as Christ.


    (NOTE: Until the conversion of pagan emperor Constantine, Christians were considered outlaw Atheists to be arrested, tried, and destroyed because of their impiety in denying the existence of everybody else’s god!)

    From about 325 C.E. forward, Christianity would change from “beliefs about” Jesus into “belief in” Jesus, this singularity created a monolithic religion of Christianity in terms of Orthodoxy = Right Belief as well as purity of practice. Catholicism was organized into a Roman central authority. (Roman Catholicism would later permutate into a Greek Orthodox offshoot in Constantinople.)


    Meanwhile, hard-headed splinter groups continued to exist in small hidden places of Europe throughout the centuries; and they never joined in with Rome or the Orthodox. They went by many names that changed with time: Waldenses, Lollards, Huguenots, Anabaptists, etc.

    The above groups demonstrated a spirit of disunity, insubordination, schism, and self-aggrandizement. It is here worth noting: Jehovah’s Witnesses count themselves as spiritual kinsmen of this breakaway, renegade version of Christianity! They go a step further is saying these ragtag renegades were Jehovah’s Organization on Earth!

    (The history of the influence of such insubordinate groups early on is cited by Eusebius in his Church History. He cites fistfights, mob conflicts, debates, insurrection, heresy, and finally departure from the main body of Christian concord.)

    Catholic Christians were united in at least ONE central TRUTH: The agent of mankind’s redemption is Jesus Christ who is the representation of the Divine.

    Without this being agreed there could be no Christianity, only sectarian opinions.
    Without the worship of Jesus Christ, Christianity would merely be another superstition.

    The language of Christian unity was contained in the compromise doctrine of the Trinity.

    For all practical purposes, it was declared a “divine mystery.”

    In other words, God Himself and divine nature is, ultimately, indefinable by humans.

    The importance of creating a Doctrine such as the Trinity was to avoid polytheism. In his divine miracles, Jesus was NOT a separate god but the true expression of the real God.

    ___________ANSWERING THE QUESTION_______

    At the top we stated: Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification. No concept man forms is valid unless there is integration without contradiction into the total sum of all knowledge. Now we ask a question related to this.

    QUESTION: Can Jehovah’s Witnesses contradict Christ and historical Christian unity in the understanding of his divine nature and still be Christian themselves?

    ANSWER: Jehovah’s Witnesses broke away entirely from historic and orthodox worship of Jesus Christ as the agent of mankind’s redemption in 1954. By identifying their ulterior motive in so doing, we expose the contradiction of all their claims of being Christian.

    The simple answer is this: the WatchTower organization was going to replace Jesus Christ as the Redeemer! Organizational authority was going to become the Mediator wedging itself between Jesus and mankind.

    This would destroy any claim to historic Christianity once and for all as blasphemy.

    The early stages in this erosion came in 1931 when the name Jehovah replaced the name of Christian in the central identity of the WatchTower corporation’s adherents.

    The WatchTower magazine began as a Herald of Christ's Presence

    (On its front cover banner.)

    By 1939, Christ was dropped and Jehovah replaced him.

    The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom.

    In the 1950’s, the WatchTower Bible (NWT) revealed an overhaul in language in its proprietary version of the Bible dismantling ‘meaning’ connected with the natural awe and worship offered to Jesus by his followers.

    “Worship” was changed to “obeisance” applied to Jesus’ disciple’s reverence and spontaneous devotion to him. Noteworthy is this. Almost every other occurrence in the New World Translation translates proskuneō as worship.

    The WatchTower leaders were building a Trojan Horse inside the hearts and minds of its members.
    Without the authority to do so, the WatchTower New World Translation of the Bible summarily wedged in the artificial name JEHOVAH where Kyrios and Adonai are clearly indicated in the Greek.

    What can truthfully be said about this artificial construct, Jehovah?

    The name Jehovah was only formed in the Middle Ages in its current form - actually invented out of thin air!

    • The creators of the name Jehovah were Catholic monks!

    • The creation of the name Jehovah was arbitrary and willful.

    • The name Jehovah is the work of man!

    • Anyone who worships this name, turns to a human invention!

    • Anyone who says this name exists in the original Greek texts - is dissembling!

    This insertion was part of a two step plan of displacement and replacement.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses should actually be Jesus’ Witnesses since their leaders claim to be the Bride of Jesus. Instead, they invert the worship of the divine nature working in Jesus to objectification of an invented NAME of their human organization.
    JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is run by?---Men; weak, sinful, imperfect-- A Governing Body is men who make mistakes.

    WHAT DOES THE BIBLE CLARIFY about the Name central to Salvation?

    Acts 4:12 New International Version (NIV) 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Jesus)
    With the above in mind, we examine the cataclysmic changeover in Christian teaching exploding inside the WatchTower religion in the early 50’s.

    How did it come to this: To worship Jesus was now declared to be an act of IDOLATRY!

    "Reverent adoration should be expressed only to God. To render worship to anyone or anything else would be a form of idolatry, which is condemned in both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Accordingly, true Christians do well to direct their worship only to Jehovah God, the Almighty." Awake! 2000 April 8 pp.26-27

    For the next 45 years, the WatchTower continued to hold on to a public face of Christian worship in its Charter purely for show although this meant it was guilty (in its own injunction) of idolatry for doing so.

    In 1999, the other shoe dropped--and so did the wording of the Charter.

    In the 99 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, in quoting the Charter, Jesus’ name is obliterated and replaced with ellipses . . .

    "for public Christian worship of Almighty God … ; to arrange for"--

    By 1954, Jesus himself had been toppled. Worship of the central authority figure of Christ in Christianity was demoted and replaced by the WatchTower organization.

    How does this destroy Scriptural definitions of Jesus?

    The Bible states that Jesus is our mediator, and his ransom is for all.

    "… one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all." 1 Timothy 2:5,6

    The WatchTower teaching CHANGES the above to this:

    "So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the "mediator" only for anointed Christians."

    Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31

    Which is it--is Jesus a mediator for ALL mankind or ONLY anointed Christians? Who do you trust? The Bible or the WatchTower?
    Speaking of the Bible--how is a Christian supposed to understand the “true” interpretation of scriptures other than prayer to Jesus and reliance on God’s Holy Spirit?

    Let the Watchtower explain this for you:

    "All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave" Watchtower 1994 Oct 1 p.8

    For a Bible believing Christian should such a statement not inspire panic? The Bible without the WatchTower leaders is reduced to a worthless nothing!

    Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" on page 10, paragraph 16:

    “Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.”

    If Jesus is only mediator for the few thousand remaining anointed JW’s on earth, who is mediator for the millions of Jehovah's Witnesses that do not form part of the 144,000?

    To the rescue comes--not Jesus--no-o-o-o-o, but who?

    The Great Crowd has as its Mediator none other than the Organization run by a Governing Body of ordinary, uninspired, non- prophetic men! They are SELF-APPOINTED by circular process.

    Step 1. The Bible describes a ‘faithful and discreet slave.”

    Step 2. The WatchTower writers interpret the meaning of the scripture as a prophecy applied only to themselves.

    Step 3. By identifying themselves in this fashion it means they now have the authority to interpret scriptures (and nobody else can.)

    Step 4. As the only true interpreters of Scripture, everything they say must be listened to and obeyed.

    Step 5. Jesus is not to be worshipped and he is not the mediator for non-anointed--so they say.

    Step 6. Everybody on Earth who is not anointed must obey the WatchTower’s Governing Body just as though God Himself was speaking.

    “We’re not perfect” is their excuse each time their words come back unfulfilled! How confident can we be of the authority or veracity of such imperfect men?”

    Can mere men forgive our sins?

    Inside a Kingdom Hall, you must report your personal sins to the Elders!

    The Elders decide if you are forgiven! Are you repentant enough?Will you be excluded

    from Jehovah’s kingdom (disfellowshipped) and if DF’d, can you be allowed back in (forgiven)? It is not up to Jesus--it’s up to mere human men who are Elders approved by the Governing Body.

    How does this differ in any way from confession of sins to a Priest inside Catholicism?

    The answer is, it doesn’t!



    The claim of authority over the Great Crowd by “the faithful and discreet slave” is stated clearly above in the 2012 Watchtower Annual Meeting Report.

    Let us investigate who was leading this “faithful and discreet slave” according to their own words:
    Preservation (1932) pages 193-194 (Watchtower Bible and tract Society publisher)

    “By His spirit, the holy spirit, Jehovah God guides or leads His people up to a certain point of time, and thus He did until the time when ‘the comforter’ was taken away, which would necessarily occur when Jesus, the Head of His organization, came to the temple and gathered unto Himself those whom He found faithful when He, as the Great Judge, began His judgment in 1918.”

    What’s going on here? Holy Spirit ceased in 1918 but the Governing Body was SELECTED in 1919 without Holy Spirit?

    Apparently, the Watchtower Organization was NEVER LED BY the AUTHORITY of holy spirit!

    According to the Organization’s own words we get our answer:

    Preservation (1932) page 151:

    “After the holy spirit as an advocate or paraclete ceased to function in behalf of the consecrated, the angels are employed in behalf of those are being made ready for the kingdom.”

    1 Timothy 2:5-6New King James Version (NKJV)

    5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time

    But Wait! The Governing Body says “NO!”

    Watchtower 1989 Aug 15 pp.30-31:

    "Consequently, 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 is not using "mediator" in the broad sense common in many languages. It is not saying that Jesus is a mediator between God and all mankind."


    For all these years, the justification for the Governing Body (FDS) being allowed to tell us what to think, how to act by the authority of BEING SELECTED by heaven and APPOINTED over ALL Jesus' belongings.

    This explanation has been removed because Holy Spirit was inactive.

    Watchtower March 1st 1979 page 23, paragraph 15:

    “Because of this hope, the “faithful and discreet slave”has alerted all of God’s people to the sign of the times indicating the nearness of God’s Kingdom rule. In this regard, however, it must be observed that this “faithful and discreet slave”was never inspired . . .”

    WHO or what really runs the Watchtower organization (President? Faithful and Discreet Slave? Anointed worldwide? Governing Body? Legal Board of Directors?

    "Christ used his authority by actively leading his congregation on earth. He did this by means of the holy spirit, the angels, and the governing body made up of the 12 apostles and the elders of the Jerusalem congregation. Jesus stated that he would be with his disciples right up to the conclusion of the system of things, where we now are. In the following article, we will see how he is still the active Head of the Christian congregation and how he is leading his "sheep" today." Watchtower 1987 Aug 1 p.15

    Really?Jesus is the active head of the Christian congregation after having been removed as worthy of worship and having been squeezed out by a self-appointed “slave” without Holy Spirit?

    Without Holy Spirit there is no inspiration for the faithful slave. Are we convinced the Angels have taken charge and led the way as all the above articles have reassured us?

    Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for a shock.

    "Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God's thinking and will." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (1993) p.708

    We’ve come full circle on this Merry-Go-Round.

    The Scriptures which only the Slave can interpret (because it wasn’t appointed by Holy Spirit) grant us God’s thinking and will! How does this all fit cogently into an actual organized and cooperative central authority under Headship of the removed Jesus?

    Without Holy Spirit (it ceased!) and without angels (no angelic revelation) is it any surprise these men have made so many errors, experienced so many setbacks, had to make so many adjustments to their teaching?

    Could it possibly be because they stopped worshipping Jesus Christ as well as having replaced him with their own man-made substitute?

    The contradiction set in when a religion calling itself “Christian” removed Christ as its central figure of worship.

    It all comes back to the 1954 bootstrapping decision of the self-appointed Faithful and Discreet Slave (not appointed by Holy Spirit.)

    The answer to the question comes down to an act of mutiny, insurrection and self-aggrandizement on the part of a fallible, blasphemous, group of imperfect men claiming to be the mouthpiece of God.


  • TerryWalstrom

    After 23 years as a dedicated Jehovah’s Witness, Jay Hess was disfellowshiped. He had been an active Witness apologist: debating critics, researching, and publishing answers to “opposers” of the movement. Two subjects that interested him the most were the charge that the Witnesses were false prophets and the doctrine of the Trinity. Concerning the latter he explains:

    I tried to address every Trinitarian argument. One that captured my interest was whether Jesus was to be worshiped…. Through many hours of research, I came up with an explanation that said Jesus could be worshiped and yet he was not God. How good I felt to have an answer that, I thought, defended the Society’s position! Oddly enough, this is what eventually led to my being ejected from the Witnesses.

    During the week of 19 March 1990, in one of the Theocratic School meetings, it was “announced in all congregations that Jesus was not to be worshiped.”

    Soon after, the Society started to investigate me and my friend [with whom he had shared his view] about our claims that Jesus should be worshiped. A religious court (“special committee”) was set up and we were charged with “causing divisions” by telling JWs that we worshiped Jesus. We were both found guilty. The court punished my friend by announcing to the congregation that he was found guilty but would be allowed to stay in the organization. I appealed their decision…. I was found guilty again and disfellowshipped on February 3, 1992 .

    Hess concludes, “Continuing my Bible research has led to my understanding of the errors of the Watchtower teachings. Although I lost my family and my former culture, Jesus has opened my eyes and allowed me to see the One I was seeking to worship (John 9).”55 In a letter, Hess expresses his present faith: “I have made Jesus my Lord and my God (John 20:28).”

    Ironically, Jay Hess was disfellowshipped for believing a doctrine that had been taught by Russell and Rutherford, affirmed in subsequent Watch Tower publications, and included in the Watch Tower charter. Moreover, if Christ is God, not to worship Him is scripturally wrong. Church historian Philip Schaff states the historic position of the church: “Finally, Christ cannot be a proper object of worship, as he is represented in Scripture and has always been regarded in the Church, without being strictly divine. To worship a creature is idolatry.”

    Finally, since the worship of Christ Jesus was not rejected as unscriptural and as a form of idolatry until 1954, how can it be claimed that 1919 saw the “restoration of pure worship” in the movement?58 Furthermore, while still involved in such “idolatry,” why would Jehovah choose such an organization as his “sole visible channel, through whom alone spiritual instruction was to come”?

    _________________The above is quoted from below___________

    Is It Proper to Worship Jesus?

    Article ID: DJ922 | By: Edmond C. Gruss and Jay Hess

    Edmond C. Gruss has written several books and a number of articles on the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the cults, and the occult.


    According to the Bible, "GOD" wants everyone to honor Jesus. It's God's will that we honor Jesus, just as we would honor God. To do otherwise is an affront to God.

    The WTBTS is not honoring Jesus. They have usurped Jesus, relegating him to errand boy; a "Jesus Van Der Beek", to appear in once in a century movie.....


  • smiddy

    This is a lot to take in Terry , thank you for that .Some of us need more time to digest it all.

    I was very interested in the" Kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures" when it came out many years ago by the WTB&TS

    Two things that puzzelled me back then.

    1. the tetragrammoton was not their in any of the scriptural texts , nor was their any equivalent in the Greek language.

    This was a word for word translation , printed by the WTB&TS of the original Greek Text , and Gods name was not their.

    So why was it admitted into the RNWT. where it did not belong. ( Adding to the Scriptures ?)

    2.In the same publication , the Kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures ,of John CH.1;1 states.

    "In the beginning was the word , and the word was God"

    In the interpretation into english the indefiite article was inserted that stated the word was "a" God which is an addition to the original greek Scriptures, and should not be their.

    Another case of adding to the Scriptures ?

    And if I remember correctly , their are numerous texts in the Christian Greek Scriptures , the New Testament , about 30 or so ? that his disciples were to be witnesses of JESUS ? to the ends of the earth , every knee would bow down to Jesus in acknowledgement of his position GOD had given him .

    Yet nowhere in any text in the Christian Greek Scriptures are disciples of Christ given the name Jehovah`s Witnesses it never happened in Isaiah`s time , it was not an issue with Jesus , and it was not authorised by our time.In fact the scripture says that it was by divine providence that followers of Christ were to be called Christians not Jehovah`s Witnesses incidentally the name Jehovah didn`t emerge until the 13th Century , and by a Catholic Monk , it`s true.


  • Listener

    There is a lot to take in and the following comments just discuss one aspect.

    There's a Youtuber who has just uploaded a video titled "Who or What is God's Channel?" He's not a JW but I think he wrote a paper on JWs as part of his Uni Studies and continues to be interested in the relgion.

    In summary he states that according to the Watchtower you cannot question or challenge or disagree with that Chanel. Yet they are teaching things that are not true. Just reading the Finished Mystery will prove that.

    He claims that God's channel of communication is not man or any group of men but it is through man and it is a matter of whether we, or anyone, utilizes his channel. His channel being his infallible word, the bible.

    An example is when Peter helped the eunuch to understand the bible. Peter didn't act as the channel, the channel was the bible, Peter acted as a supplement. Peter explains what God's channel is saying.

    He sees this viewpoint as much more bionically correct and consistent (when you look at how God's channel operated through biblical times) because God's channel should always be viewed as infallible, always inspired and should never be disagreed with because what God says is Truth and cannot be wrong.

    So in contrast, the Governing Body are fallible, non-inspired, error prone men, who should be questioned when they are teaching something that is false.

    He raises some good questions -

    When the GB teaches something that is false what are the biblical grounds for choosing to believe them anyway?

    When the GB teaches something that is false, what are the biblical grounds for condemnation when the GB is rightly challenged for teaching something that is false?

    If it is always wrong to question what was even recognized as God's Channel of communication then would it have been wrong for a 1st century Jew, before Jesus, to challenge the Pharisees (who were God's channel at that time)?

    One of his many points was that the Pharisees would have felt that they were Gods Chanel of communication and couldn't be question but Jesus entered the scene and questioned these leaders. So we have the situation where it was possible to challenge this Chanel.

  • TerryWalstrom

    I approach this topic already having removed the rose-colored glasses

    from the bridge of my ample nose. I'm at a point in my 'spiritual journey' where superstitious tingling is only my foot going to sleep.

    My sojourn with the WatchTower's minions stripped away my emotional susceptibilities when it comes to Bible, God, prayer, or belief. I'm a gourd with all the goodies scraped out. Into that empty space, I pour my intellect and curiosity.

    I'm still able to address these topics from a distance.
    Academically speaking, Christianity emerged because of 2 dynamics working in concert. 1. Agreement 2. Authority

    The Bible was almost negligible, for the first fifteen centuries, to the Catholic Church, because Tradition and Magisterium fueled Authority.
    A "True Christian" was one who confessed and took communion. There was no door-to-door ministry, daily Bible reading, or ongoing debate on the ground. The hierarchy of prelates minced about in colorful robes on tippy-toes, rustling their gowns and mincing in and out of councils. At the top, corruption set in and multiplied like politics in America :)
    With the Protestant Reformation, the only change worth noting was the complete overhaul of Authority.

    It wasn't the Pope who called the shots. A democratic (sort of) Bible student read his scriptures and prayed for the Holy Spirit's guidance.

    This seemed a spot-on advancement at the time. Nice theory-but-the upshot was this: forty thousand denominations resulted--all calling themselves Christian.

    Having said all that, the one thing all of these (well, not all) seemed to agree upon was that JESUS CHRIST was worthy of WORSHIP.

    Without that fundamental lynchpin firmly in place--it was no longer Christianity.
    In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses, I don't what they are--but they are not CHRISTIAN. I think they are Corporate flunkies.

  • TheWonderofYou
    Just jumping over some passages of this thread and how fine you cull out the basic ideas and changes. Gratulation.
  • TerryWalstrom

    My internet friend, Clement Mabunda, shortened my points (in the above) very nicely by enumerating the specifics:

    1. Historical disunity about the nature of Christ existed among the masses (Matthew 16:13-16).

    2. Catholicism (“Katholikos”) (an idea/term coined by Ignatius of Antioch circa 101 C.E.) was an adopted name that was geared towards bringing to conformity all these divergent views into one “universal church” that was unified by the acceptance of redemption by Jesus as the Christ.

    3. Eventually, beliefs “about” Jesus morphed into beliefs “in” Jesus.

    4. However, various little groups (of which the Witnesses form part) protested, showed insubordination, towards the Universal Church – an act of “heresy” effectively; showing a spirit of “disunity.”

    5. The Catholic Church was held together by this one central truth: Jesus being the redeemer and representation of the Divine.

    6. In the absence of such agreement and/or of the worship of Jesus, there would be not “Christianity” to speak of, only sectarian opinions or superstitions.

    7. The doctrine of the Trinity was a “compromise” aimed at curbing polytheism, in an effort to worship one entity.

    This, you posit, is what historic Christianity is, namely, the worship of Jesus, who was deemed the expression of the real God.

    8. In 1954, the Witnesses broke away (“reneged”) from the worship of Jesus (as your article demonstrates, contradicting their original charter), this is evidenced by the “Question from Readers” section from The Watchtower on both the January 1, 1954 p.30-31 and May 15, 1954 p.317-319.

    9. This erosion from historic Christianity began with the adoption of the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” (1931); the Watchtower magazine eventually moved away from being the “Herald of Christ’s Presence” to eventually “Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom” (1939). This was a preparatory move to minimise the person of Jesus and to eventually usurp his role as mediator.

    10. Prior to the above-two 1954 articles, the organisation spawned their own version of the bible (a green bible). The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures (NWT), with its “overhauled” language was aimed at supporting their ideas about the nature of Christ. For example, the Greek word “proskyne´ō” – which is generally translated as “worship” by bible scholars, was instead rendered “do obeisance” in the NWT such that Jesus was no longer worshiped but simply done obeisance to. (Hebrews 1:6).

    (As far as the scholarship involved in the NWT, it’s interesting to read what Frederick Franz said while under oath in a Scottish trial back in November 1954: see Douglas Walsh v. The Right Honourable James Latham Clyde, MP, PC).

    11. In 1979, the organisation introduced the idea that Jesus is the mediator “only for anointed Christians.” (The Watchtower April 1, 1979, p.31). The bible, however, says Christ is the mediator “for all.” 1 Timothy 2:5, 6. These “anointed” Christians served as the “Faithful and Discreet Slave.”

    12. The Faithful and Discreet Slave was rendered “God’s channel.” The organisation said: “All who want to understand the bible should appreciate that the ‘greatly diversified wisdom of God’ can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.” (The Watchtower October 1, 1994 p. 8)

    (This is not a new idea, however. Charles Russell – who was once thought to be the faithful and discreet slave – introduced a similar concept concerning his prized six volumes of Studies in the Scripture (“Millennial Dawn”) when he said: “…people cannot see the divine plan in studying the bible by itself [if a person] lays the [SCRIPTURE STUDIES] aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone […] he goes into darkness.” – The Watch Tower September 15, 1910 p.4685).

    13. The Witnesses state that in 1918, when Jesus came to earth to inspect those faithful to him, the comforter (the holy spirit) ceased to function, such that by 1919, when the faithful slave was selected, it was not the result of God’s spirit (Preservation 1932 p.193-194),but, instead, angels were employed. (ibid. p.151).

    14. In 1979 (after the great disappointment of 1975), the organisation admitted that “this faithful and discreet slave was never inspired.” (The Watchtower March 1, 1979 p.23 para.15).

    15. In 1987, said: “Christ used his authority by actively leading his congregation here on earth. he did this by means of the holy spirit, the angels and the governing body…” (The Watchtower August 1, 1987 p. 15).

    16. However, in 1993 they said: “Those who make up the one true organisation today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration.” – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom (1993) p. 708.

    So, thus far, the Governing Body was not appointed by holy spirit, not directed by angels (“angelic revelation”) nor afforded divine inspiration.

    17. The failures, setbacks, flip-flops, volte-faces, over the years all speak to the fact that this organisation is led by (self-appointed) men, who have disenfranchised, and, for all practical purposes,substituted Jesus (as mediators), while simultaneously claiming affiliation with him by operating the organisation under the “Christian” banner.

  • Vidiot

    As far as I'm concerned, all the contradictions are inevitable when you try to mashup Old-Testament Judaism with Pauline Christianity.

  • kepler


    All along have read your reflections avidly on the basis that you are on to something - whether I'm entirely in agreement or not. But this one is particularly good. As an outsider looking in on the phenomenon of JW, it appears to me quite often as a shape shifter. But your working thesis looks like a possible way to pin it to the wall. So take my comments below as explorations or a maybe a couple of refinements (e.g., dissent origins).

    Had I been living 400 years ago and confronted on the question of the Trinity, I would have kept my head down. Today, looking at the controversy, I would rather say that I can sympathize with the debaters about how how difficult it is to sort out such a dilemma by studying what's recorded in scriptures. And then looking at established churches today, I sense that many behave much the same. Despite the importance of Jesus Christ in say the theology and day to day teachings of Baptists, to give one example, as near as I can tell they originated with the teachings of a certain Arminius in the Netherlands who it would be difficult to claim in the ranks of the Trinitarians. So, if they are confused or confusing, why shouldn't I be as well?

    But Christianity is also a philosophy of life. There is a Pre and Post Christ measure of things - and we happen to live in the after period. Our conduct is measured in what would Christ say, do or think - and our society here did not form until after Augustine had written his City of God. A universal church and a city of God were much akin to establishment of a caliphate that followers of Muhammad would institute a few centuries later. It was an attempt to order life on earth until Christ's return, either as implied in Gospels, Epistles, Revelations or some combination thereof. Paul and Peter's interpretations were more administrative day to day. Something like Hebrews would be higher flying.

    Now flash forward 1500 years and we find that in western Europe there was a pervasive feeling that the society was corrupt and erring - and democratization of the scriptures would engage more of the population in solving problems. It wasn't that the Bible was not read. It was read in special editions and distribution was limited. Moreover, what histories of the Renaissance subtly describe, western Europeans generally did not understand Greek. They often got their Greek classics after they were translated from Arabic to Latin via Andalusia. Who had time to write, much less approve vernacular translations even if the clerical and civil authorities had been well disposed toward them?

    But it happened and the result was something like a vampire movie. The townsmen/reformers used the Book much like the vampire killers would use a crucifix to ward off a vampire; in this case it was the established church.

    Everything was in the Old and New Testament. Every abuse of the present day could be fought with a Biblical citation. And consequently, everything that happened within the interval between the first and 16th century that was assumed a part of the City of God was now relegated to illegitimacy or to nothing. Who was more important? King David in Kings campaigning against Saul or Thomas Aquinas attempting to summarize the knowledge of God? To test this question, monitor fundamentalist radio broadcasts for a few hours.

    And then, when you examine the editing of the original scriptures, you have to wonder if this did not happen before( circa 700 to 400 BC and onward) as well.

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