The Writing Committee Needs Higher Education!!!

by The Searcher 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Watchtower January 2017 - How was fire transported in ancient times?

    "THE Biblical account found at Genesis 22:6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, Abraham "took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Isaac. Then he took in his hands the fire and the knife, and the two of them walked on together." No mention is made in the Scriptures of the method used to light fires in ancient times. Regarding the account in question, at least one commentator believes that a flame could "scarcely have been kept going throughout the long journey" that Abraham and Isaac made. Thus, it may be that what is referred to is the equipment needed for producing fire. Others point out, however, that it was not a simple thing to kindle a fire in ancient times. People would have found it easier, where possible, to get a hot ember from their neighbors rather than try to start a fire on their own. A number of scholars thus believe that what Abraham carried was a vessel - perhaps a pot suspended from a chain - that contained live coals or charcoal embers raked from the preceding night’s fire. (Isa. 30:14) Glowing embers transported in such a way could readily be used with tinder wood to rekindle a fire at any point along a journey."

  • tiki

    Omg......a lot of words that say absolutely nothing.

  • Vidiot
    The Searcher - "The Writing Committee Needs Higher Education!!!"

    Hell, even a middle school education would be an improvement. smirk:

  • DesirousOfChange

    But as you can see, the Writing Committee is "well educated" at pontificating pure speculation (aka "pulling it out of their ass"). . . . Doc

  • Vidiot

    Hey, what's up?

    I couldn't edit my post... the page said it was entered an hour ago when it was only a few minutes.


  • Vidiot

    Huh, did it again.

  • blondie

    Given the time-consuming nature of early firestarting, humans eventually began to use earthenware vessels, or fire pots, in which slow-burning fires could by kept alight indefinitely by using small quantities of fuel. Nomadic people could carry these small fires with them, using them to start larger fires for their evening camps.

    Wikipedia, but I have seen this used on survival shows and early pioneers did the same when traveling across the unsettled western US.

  • biblexaminer

    Abraham put the wood on Isaac because that was a general labour job. The Firecarriers Union would have screamed if Abraham had allowed Isaac to touch the Firepot.

    The trades are touchy that way.

  • Giordano

    This information took less then 10 seconds to find. WTF Watchtower?

    "The control of fire by early humans probably dates back to Homo erectus or very early Homo sapiens: that is, 400-200 thousand years ago based on archaeological evidence of hearths.[2] Changes in physique suggest it could go back 1.8 or even 2.3 million years, the latter of which would date to Homo habilis.[3] Smouldering plants and trees, or any source of hot coals from natural fires, may have been the first resources exploited by humans to control fire. Friction is the most commonly used primitive method for making fire. Ancient techniques for starting friction fires include the hand drill, the bow drill, the fire plow and the pump drill.

    Another ancient technique is the flint and steel method, where hot sparks are struck from a piece of steel or iron onto suitable tinder, such as tinder fungus or char cloth, and fanned into flames. These methods have been known since the Paleolithic age, and are still in common use by some indigenous peoples."

  • Heaven

    The Amadou mushroom was often used to transport fire in ancient times. Sadly, the bible doesn't mention that.

    Edited to add a pic:

    Fomes fomentarius aka Amadou mushroom

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