Will you please call me this weekend? Please, hun?
by ashitaka 14 Replies latest jw friends
Will you please call me this weekend? Please, hun?
You have each other, you are very very blessed.
Thanks for all of your replies, guys. I'm doing a little better today...I had some time to get my head sorted out.
We're probably moving to Buffalo Oct. 1st. I'm quitting my job Monday. It's time to make some drastic changes.
Thanks for all of the support, and when I have a little more energy, I'll get back to all of the PM's I got.
Things have just been so stressful, and yesterday I felt like I was going to break; I almost did. I was physically shaking for half of the day. I'm just glad I got through yesterday intact.
Hopefully, this is the one kick in the ass that I'm going to act on.
We want to move away from Jersey, get rid of one car, trim the bills some more, just generally get back on track. Also, my wife and I are going to see a psychologist soon (separately) ....we don't need pills, we think, just an objective ear that can help us sort our pasts out...our present relationship with each other is a wonder of love and trust. I never thought that I would have to worry about my past again, but I guess I have to deal with it someday.
As for my our marriage, that the is best thing we've ever had; each other. But it seems as though everything else in the world, all of the people in it, are conspiring to make us lose our minds. I'm just glad that we're going to be able to finally sort things out.
Thanks to all of you,
Good luck with the changes before you. If I may suggest one thing though. The tongue is very powerful. What you say many times is what happens to you. I would encourage you to literally speak things into existance.
For example, when looking for a new job, instead of grumbling and saying "I hope I find a job" say "This new job is going to be awesome!"
It may sound corny, but positive speach works. Try that with everything, relationships, moving, work, friends, it will change things for the positive.
Best wishes.
For example, when looking for a new job, instead of grumbling and saying "I hope I find a job" say "This new job is going to be awesome!"
LOL. Maybe that's my problem. Being the eternal pessimist, I always think of things in this way...."I'll be lucky and thankful if I don't get hit by a bus tomorrow.." LOL
oh well.