Rolf Furuli New Book

by dozy 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JoenB75

    slimboyfat, shocking story and tells you a lot about the woeful state of human nature. Why did the JWs not revolt against such? Most obey and shut up and watch the bad things happen.

  • Finkelstein

    Whatever you want to say about the man he does have a core sense of integrity in his view and evaluation of the GB leaders from a theological perspective.

    Maybe it was just a matter of these men realizing what they have and hold unto themselves and what they could possibly lose if they didn't make enforcing regulation about individuals voicing personal opinions towards certain doctrines or the organization ?

    This might have come about in reflection of just how much certain people such as COs Branch heads, GB members rely on the organization for their living sustainability in housing and financial support ?

    In making a firm foundation of believable acceptance around themselves (FDSL) is also effectively make a supporting stance to sustain themselves.

    The equation is such ....... subjective loyal faith = money $$$

  • smiddy3

    Hasn`t Rolf Furuli now been disfellowshiped for writing this book ? He sounds like a truly messed up individual ?

    How can one look at the GB as misleading the flock on so many important issues and still believe they are the "true" religion ?

  • slimboyfat

    Because he believes in God and the Bible and that Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the truth about what the Bible says.

  • Phizzy

    " Because he believes in God and the Bible and that Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the truth about what the Bible says."

    So that shows he is as deluded as the rest of the J.W's. What has always annoyed me about him is that he has no Integrity, he does what all loyal J.W's do, deny Facts and Evidence to suit the JW agenda and the JW teachings.

    He must be an utter Laughing Stock in Academic circles.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    smiddy3: How can one look at the GB as misleading the flock on so many important issues and still believe they are the "true" religion?

    You'll find the answer in Furuli's opening words in the Introduction where he states:

    "This book is not an attack on Jehovah’s Witnesses. On the contrary! My beloved religion is the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And I have invested my whole soul in this religion for 59 years."

    It's obvious that this man is in a love-hate relationship with his 'beloved religion'! This cult started 'screwing' with his mind when he was a virgin teenager. This religion is all he's ever known! Furuli's relationship with this cult reminds me of 'battered women syndrome'. The question is often asked...'Why don't they just leave'? The reasons why individuals stay in abusive relationships are many. I'll bet my bottom dollar that when you find out the answers as to why people stay in abusive relationships you'll have your answer to Furuli's messed-up thinking about this cult.

  • 2+2=5

    That ‘militant attitude’ he’s talking about is the glue that holds the religion together.

    JWs think it’s the love among themselves, it’s actually the shunning and disdain of former members and critics that keeps their group so tight.

    If they watered this down the religion would soon dissolve

  • TD
    I see the old boy is still pushing the untenable position that there are, " legitimate uses of blood" despite the fact that it's incompatible with JW policy, which distinguishes various uses of blood based on whether it has, "..left the body" or not.
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    I have invested my whole soul in this religion for 59 years."

    What Furuli states above reminds me of the expression: "You can take the man out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the man"!

    This guy didn't just casually spend nearly 6 decades in this cult...he invested his whole soul into it. You can't help but feel sorry for this chap!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ...thank you dozy for the link to Furuli's book.

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