You may continue to leave your home to enjoy isolated areas, as long as this does not involve spending the night away from your home.
Well, so much for going camping I guess. It is nice to see the WT "give" people permission to leave their place of residence.
There is no objection to removing your face covering when in an isolated outdoor setting, but it should be with you and worn when others are in the vicinity.
Yeah, nothing says "safety" like carrying a virus infested mask in your filthy hands, or your pocket and putting it on, and taking it off. This has already been proven to be even worse than no mask at all!
Those who are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, are sick, or who may have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days should not participate.
I the U.S. this has already been changed to ten days by the CDC. WT, as always is behind the curve.
Shelter in place: Remain in your home or on your property to the extent possible. As needed, please seek assistance with
necessary tasks so as to remain at home.
In true WT manner, Look out for yourself and your "safety" and to Hell with anyone else. Let them suffer in order for you to be comfortable.
However, this remains a personal decision as you consider the risk in your community.
And yet they say the exact opposite.
Unless specifically directed otherwise. . .is not permitted. The following precautions continue to be required.
It is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
Well so much for what the Bible says. "yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?"
These appointed men love you and take seriously their responsibility to be a “hiding place from the wind” for you.