So im walking through town today on my lunchbreak and spot the unmistakable walk of my younger brother. This is the one who left Watchtower... well it turns out he's returned to the vomit after stupidly turning up to the 2017 convention and a few elders filling his head with seeing our dead dad in paradise and to "wait on Jehovah".
A few meters behind him was my sister. She spotted me first, then hurried up her step to my brother. Then he turned round and looked at me. One thing that stuck me was their expression. They look absolutely terrified to see me. They then sped up, my sister took out her phone and rang someone frantically and kept looking back at me as she was walking quickly away.
Did i do something wrong?
Yes i did. I waved and smiled. That must have done it. I wasn't gonna approach or anything, i was far to busy for that. But, wow, what a cult can do to people. Terrified to see someone they've known their whole lives who just so happens to disagree about there being a sky fairy who has the temperament of a toddler and loves blood.