She has done such a great job thus far exposing Scientology!
I'm thrilled that she might tackle the JW's :)
by jp1692 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals
She has done such a great job thus far exposing Scientology!
I'm thrilled that she might tackle the JW's :)
i look forward to this. there is so ,mush to expose about the wt. this could last for years
That would be awesome, especially since I know of witnesses who like her :).
It would be good showing how many of these cults and high-control religions can have wildly different beliefs but often share many similarities when it comes to behaviors and policies.
However, I wonder if the WTS is really weird and wacky enough to make good TV? Many of the beliefs are actually closer to mainstream Christianity, certainly more than Mormons or Scientologists are.
So it comes down to two things: Handling of abuses and coverup of crimes or shunning. I don't think the WTS shunning approaches the Scientology behavior so wonder if they will get much traction with it.
On the whole though, I think there's a lot of value in a non-ex-JW doing an expose of the WTS as they cannot be dismissed as JWs can do with an ex-JW. This is the value of inter-faith-Apostate work - someone from a different cult will be able to see certain nuances that may pass outsiders by, but isn't an "Apostate" of that religion that can be dismissed.
I think this would be absolutely amazing.
Having Leah Remini hosting/presenting may allow for some active JWs to watch as she is not an apostate JW. I can't see many of them admitting it to each other, but I think in the privacy of their homes many would view at least some of the program out of curiousity, even if many of them quickly turn away when former JWs who are now apostates make an appearance. Hoping it has a huge impact.
A celebrity helping our cause would be very interesting and almost hard to believe.
I believe that Scientology and the JWs both registered on the same day as religions to take advantage of newly introduced US tax exempt laws for religious charities.
I just posted this to FB. I hope this helps in getting our family members out. If they watch this ( which is a big if ) it might put a small grain of doubt in their minds. That's a start.
Stories about:
Teachings being changed, and actually reversed, as many doctrines are exactly opposite now, of what they were at the beginning of the organization.
Promises broken by WT, that they would return loans when asked.
Young people worked to the bone for slave wages at Bethels, while their families feel superior because their child is in God's Earthly Headquarters. Then being kicked out after a lifetime of dedication and believing they were secure in their old age.
Young people feeling forced to marry too young, or face shunning if they have premarital sex.
Young people told to sell printed material for the WT instead of getting an education to support themselves and their families.
Elders who promise confidentiality, but then blab private details.
1000s of examples of hypocrite behavior by every rank and type.
Inequality of men being the bosses over women. Belief that God requires women to be in subjection to men.
Materialism being criticized, then people getting looked down on if they don't dress well enough or live in fine homes, own fine cars, etc.
Women fighting depression and getting medicated, by the 1000s.
Families being torn apart by simple differences in beliefs (like the Scientollabies).
AND the main reason to tear out of this organization like your pants are on fire - all the child abuse problems, including denial, lying, mis-handling of cases and secrecy.
If they go to any depths there won't be enough TV time available to show it all.
Well...I hope its done right. Not sensationalized, which is easy to dismiss. For example this quote from the cited article....
The unnamed contact told Remini she should be careful about Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, because “these f—ers are super powerful.”
I call BS on that. Powerful how? Ridiculous.
Personal responsibility & to play devils advocate:
Teachings being changed, and actually reversed, as many doctrines are exactly opposite now, of what they were at the beginning of the organization.
It's religion - all faith based, not a contractual guarantee. You are free to continue to believe whatever you want aren't you?
Promises broken by WT, that they would return loans when asked.
If there was a contract, then sue.
Young people worked to the bone for slave wages at Bethels, while their families feel superior because their child is in God's Earthly Headquarters. Then being kicked out after a lifetime of dedication and believing they were secure in their old age.
Again, sue if there were promises made, otherwise think before you dedicate your life to something.
Young people feeling forced to marry too young, or face shunning if they have premarital sex.
Neither are factually correct. The WTS has published guidance about modesty and moral behavior, and they would not be shunned for the sex but for being unrepentant.
Young people told to sell printed material for the WT instead of getting an education to support themselves and their families.
You'd have to pin them down to making actual rules and people being disciplined for not following them. Has anyone been Df'd for attending college? Yes, they don't promote it - I actually think the education industry is self-serving and saddles people with debt for an often useless certificate.
Elders who promise confidentiality, but then blab private details.
Then sue them.
1000s of examples of hypocrite behavior by every rank and type.
Oh noes!
Inequality of men being the bosses over women. Belief that God requires women to be in subjection to men.
Because ... bible.
Materialism being criticized, then people getting looked down on if they don't dress well enough or live in fine homes, own fine cars, etc.
Materialism and consumption is bad in many cultures / religions. How many stick to that at a personal level is another thing. Are the WTS also at fault when people *don't* abide by what they say? I thought they were all controlling ...
Women fighting depression and getting medicated, by the 1000s.
That says more about over prescribing by the health / pharmaceutical industry and their family situation. There's also the issue the religion attracts the needy and wretched in the first place - it's the opium.
Families being torn apart by simple differences in beliefs (like the Scientollabies).
Couples make the choice to stay together, leave together or split. Each is entitled to their own beliefs and to follow their own course. Easy to show that the WTS doesn't promote divorce.
AND the main reason to tear out of this organization like your pants are on fire - all the child abuse problems, including denial, lying, mis-handling of cases and secrecy.
In fact, one of the only things to hammer them on - clear mis-handling and attempts to cover up and hide their own guilt.
The problem with overreaching on so many other things, some minor, is it diminishes the criticism of the one thing that counts.
All they need do is say "look, you've thrown a whole list of things at us here and we've already shown that it's disgruntled people trying to blame us for their own life failures. We try to help people but can't help everyone ..."
It's a little like how the left goes after Trump. Too much, all over the place, unfocused, and ineffective. Instead of trying to kill them with a million paper-cuts, concentrate on landing a blow that counts.
Don't overreach. Keep everything factual and free of hyperbole as otherwise it's easy to discredit and dismiss and you only need to do that with a few things for the effectiveness of the entire thing to be undermined and legitimate grievances to suffer as a result.