Almost ever day this week I have had to shut down due to bad weather. It's hurricane season here in Florida, so this is why there are delays in getting back to you. But I won't forget you. After all, we must have our coffee together!
by Atlantis 41 Replies latest jw friends
Almost ever day this week I have had to shut down due to bad weather. It's hurricane season here in Florida, so this is why there are delays in getting back to you. But I won't forget you. After all, we must have our coffee together!
Please send pm
What a horrible contract that is. Work your socks off, then DO MORE!
I know ones who would sign on to pioneer that month just to get the applause, then dib out as ill or whatever. Just 'oops' not be able to do it.
So if you are in the know, you know you can sign on to pioneer regularly (or just for the month), then not do the hours.
When I was a regular pioneer and I could no longer get my hours in I spoke to the elders and I was given massive consessions. To keep me on, I reckon I was offered a golden ticket by a CO, '0 hours, its ok, just stay on.' But I knew what it'd look like to the congregation. I'd be held up as an example of a hard working pioneer which they should strive to emulate. I thought that as so cruel to make them feel bad just because they didn't realise I wasn't having to do my hours. They wouldn't get told that.
Anyway I stood down. If I remember correctly... it wasn't announced.
May I have this document please? Hope you are safe with the hurricanes
are there still special pioneers--the ones that get paid ?
Yes, please send.
me also please
Yes Please to Me
stan livedeath: