I dislike long topics......so here it is.
I suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.
When I first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.
My family broke up. I lost my so called friends.
Luckily, I had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why I was so suicidal. in as much as they hadn't left cults.
I went from the corporation to a Baptist church. I still have very fond memories of it. They actually worshipped god, unlike the jobos.
Anyway (anyways in Americanese), cut to the chase.
What am I grateful for after leaving the corporation?
1. I now understand depression and suicidal feelings. I can actually talk to people about this subject in a non judgemental way...as it should be.
2. I learned to think critically. Although I still find this a bit hard.
3. I can confidently say that I am a Nihilist. There is no god. Never was. Never will be. It really doesn't take much to work it out but it took me ages. It was in a church that I had this revelation. All those prayers to an invisible bloke that doesn't talk back. What a messed up relationship that f###er is! I realised that no one was listening and certainly NOT answering. It's pure and simply a delusion. A delusion that I actually miss.
4. I see life for what it is; a breif struggle against pain before the void of dreamless sleep...grim reaper shizzle.
5. I have become an unsuccessful author of many different books. One with help of my friends here and other places.
6. Politics, society, it's all a game. Made up. Make belief. Made up by someone. IT's not real. It's just that we go along like sheep with the masses. Sheeple.
7. I realise not many people care about much apart from that which surrounds them. That's it...no one cares. Certainly, no one cares about the jobo cult who was never involved. I don't care about the Christadelphians, as an example. Never been involved. Don't know any of them. Think whoever they are must be under a delusion.
8. Religion is all crap. In this PC age of pussyfooting around in case we offend someone that bloody well deserves offending.............be religious if you want, just don't shove it in my face as if I should care. I don't. Not one bit. It's a farce. Come back and tell me about it after you die. See? They never do.
9. I am thankful that I got away from that weirdo cult. They shun me. Up yours watchtower. Your loss.
10. I'll think of a ten later.
Nihilist. You see as Schopenhauer indicated, everything ends in disappointment.
I'm in rather a humorous mood, so please read the irony and satire in this.
11. I am grateful to this forum for being brutal yet honest. It has helped me think twice before 'anecdotal' evidence is proffered.
12. Arseholes to the Governing body of the jobo cult.