Londo111 » Each congregation has a “talk coordinator”. Talk coordinators will coordinate with other talk coordinators in order to find speakers to give the public talk on Sunday. Typically, they come from the general area: the circuit or a nearby circuit. So it would not be possible for a stranger to show up on Sunday and give a talk.
Even the content of the public talk does not originate with the one giving it. The content comes from Headquarters in New York. Basically, Watchtower gives dozens of outlines, and a speaker must select or be given one of those. While there is some room for variation, basically the speaker must deliver the points of the outline, albeit in their own words. Even circuit overseers are given outlines…although they have more freedom for variation.
In another thread, Londo and Flipper provided some fascinating nuggets on how one is chosen to dispense knowledge, and how they do it through talks. This is an enormous amount of control and I had a question.
Let's say that you've studied a topic for years and have become proficient in it. Let's say the topic revolves around the Old Testament, how we got it -- how the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah were written. And let's say you have a doctorate in the field of ancient scripture, and that you've written papers on it. You decide to do a fireside at your home and you do it as an open house. You open it to people of any faith, including fellow members of the Kingdom Hall, yet you're careful to explain you're doing it under your own auspices, and not of any church.
You don't post flyers at the KH, you do it by word of mouth.
An elder discovers you are doing this. What's he going to do? Since you're doing this yourself, are you in the clear?
Or two, let's say some members ask you to give a fireside at one of their homes. They're careful to say it's not sponsored by the Watchtower Society, but is a private fireside. Would that be permitted?
I'm curious if they would try to reel you in anyway. Some people might speak on the Adventist movement, William Miller, Ellen White and her visions, etc. It's completely legal, and there's nothing in the Bible that would be again it.
What's the story? Especially for some of you elders out there?