2016-09-21 BOE Re: Global Assistance Arrangement for the 2017 Service Year

by wifibandit 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wifibandit

    September 21, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Global Assistance Arrangement for the 2017 Service Year

    PS to bodies of elders:

    This postscript should not be read to the congregation, and this letter should not be placed on the noticeboard. However, a copy of this letter and postscript should be given to your accounts servant.

    Financial Transparency, No Clergy Class

  • pale.emperor

    Money, money, money... how about a letter asking what members are struggling with so they can publish helpful articles in their next mag?

  • Lostandfound


    thanks for this info

    to Watchtower "no thanks "

  • fastJehu
    Finally, please note as a separate matter that this year we will not be requesting any contribution for the Traveling Overseer’s Assistance Arrangement.

    upps - not in harmony with this never ending "mantra":

    *** w15 9/1 p. 6 How Is Our Ministry Financed? ***
    Each year, we print and distribute hundreds of millions of Bibles and pieces of Bible literature. We build and operate branch offices and printeries around the world. Tens of thousands of congregations meet in modest yet attractive places of worship called Kingdom Halls. Who pays for all of this?
    Our work is supported entirely by voluntary donations. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

  • Mephis

    "After the resolution has been considered and approved by the congregation"

    I am shocked, shocked, that there isn't guidance on what to do if the congregation considers WBTS' insurance not as reliable as taking out something with a reputable insurer and rejects the resolution.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    ..........."unexpected events"............

    Funny, they didn't mention being sued for covering up sexual abuse of a child.

    Maybe that isn't an unexpected event?


    PS to bodies of elders:

    This postscript should not be read to the congregation, and this letter should not be placed on the noticeboard. However, a copy of this letter and postscript should be given to your accounts servant.

    Image result for watchtower  logo

    ......................Image result for Keeping secrets

  • DesirousOfChange

    Mandatory tithing. ...............................Doc

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It cares for incidents at Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls,
    and branch facilities or wherever there is damage that is the result of natural disaster, fire, moisture,
    or vandalism. The arrangement is based on the principle found at 2 Corinthians 8:14, where we find
    the apostle Paul’s encouragement that “an equalizing” take place with regard to financial support.
    Therefore, funds are annually set aside from contributions to the worldwide work to ensure that no
    loss to a congregation or any other theocratic entity would cause an undue burden on any of our

    Aren't Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls already insured and the cost of the insurance part of the monthly expenses for each congregationand part of the "deficit" reported during the call for contributions at Circuit Assemblies? Why the need for the additional fund? Sounds to me like they are looking for a new source of revenue.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    This is another WT money grabbing stunt.

    In old time highway robbery, the bandits (apparently) used to say, "Your money or your life".

    With JW..org, they take both.

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