Prince's will

by wannaexit 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    Is it possible that watchtower is in possession of Prince's will and the legal department is waiting for  things settle down before they  produce it?

  • Barrold Bonds
  • wannaexit


    why not?

  • Divergent
    Enough with the speculation. There are more than enough threads here on this topic already
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    I don't think the WT want any part of his will. It would be  bad press for the WT.
  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    it makes zero sense. that's not how wills work. Even if the WT was named a beneficiary of some sort, there's no reason they'd have it in their possession. It's far more likely more likely that a family member, lawyer, financial advisor, or other caretaker to have it.

    Plus there's the whole thing where his sister said he didn't have one and is now in the legal process of having the estate turned over to her.

    I get it. The WT is evil and terrible and one a huge JW celeb died. This message board has gone absolutely insane with the theories and stuff in regards to Prince and his relationship with WT.

  • LV101

    The evil org will grab/seize/attach anything it possibly can. They own stock in something relating to war/military weapons (RAND Corporation?) or something that was bequeathed to them yrs. ago. It could be Charles Manson's assets and they'd grab and go.

  • leaving_quietly

    There was no will. I read an article today (can't find it at the moment) that said state law is that the estate is supposed to be split up equally among his siblings when there is no will. This article shows there was no will and an administrator was appointed by the county to manage his estate. I doubt WTBTS has any sort of legal claim to his estate. Nothing would surprise me, but somehow, I think not this time.

  • wannaexit

    The WT is evil and terrible and one a huge JW celeb died. This message board has gone absolutely insane with the theories and stuff in regards to Prince and his relationship with WT.

    There is no harm done. It's the interest of the moment.

    Regarding watchtower and Princes' will--its only a thought that came to mind.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    A thought that would have been dispelled with reading one of the other 1 million threads on the topic on this board.

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