JW's everlasting life is only written in PENCIL!

by BoogerMan 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    September 2022 Study Watchtower p.16, par.7

    "The second group consists of the great crowd of other sheep. Are their names now written in the book of life? Yes. Will their names still be in the book of life after they survive Armageddon? Yes. (Rev. 7:14) Jesus said that these sheeplike ones will depart “into everlasting life.” (Matt. 25:46) But those Armageddon survivors will not immediately receive everlasting life. Their names will remain written in the book of life in pencil, as it were."

    I'd love to see JW's faces when they find THIS out!

  • TonusOH

    The belief is that those who survive Armageddon will be tested at the end of the thousand-year period, when Satan is let loose one last time. The devil will be allowed to tempt and turn those he can, then God will destroy all who still oppose Him and the matter will finally be settled.

    So yeah, even if you are loyal enough to be saved, you get to spend the next thousand years wondering if you'll be good enough to survive the final test. I guess Yahweh needs a bit of entertainment from time to time. Scary guy.

  • carla
  • hoser

    Of course you’re not quite there yet. Even after you’ve survived the great fear inspiring day of Armageddon how do you think the elders wives will motivate you to clean and maintain their swimming pools?

  • cyberjesus

    Oh the feeling to find out you didnt read the small letters.

    DISCLAIMER: Paradise is really only the cleaning period where you get to be work and worship god all day...

    But you aint there yet.. is just make believe.

  • BoogerMan

    Let's all rejoice in the fact that Tony Morris & Co. are already declared righteous, and that soooooon they're going to be sharing a bottle of Macallan malt whisky as they sit on their thrones and judge the un-righteous for 1000 years.

  • Fisherman

    Only after eating from the tree of like inc.

  • Simon

    God is so loving. After all that suffering, he still gives old Satan another chance to 'cause misery and kill as many people as possible. What a swell guy!

    It's like letting a serial killer out of prison to make sure that the victims are going to be loyal to you. I'm pretty sure that makes you a psycho monster too.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Let's all rejoice in the fact that Tony Morris & Co. are already declared righteous

    Exactly, that's the part they don't tell you about. They get to be sealed.... everyone else has to work for it.

    But since they preach one gospel for themselves and another one for everyone else ( a message never taught by the apostles) they have a double curse waiting for them:

    Galatians 1:8-9

    But though* we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
    As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    They are not getting away with anything.


    Scriptures paints a different picture. After 1000 years of peace, equality & justice, vast numbers of people simply will not want Jesus to rule over them. This is because they still have a sin nature, which is rebellious to God. So, God gives them what they want... freedom from himself.

    Because of the perfect government, the age old question of nature vs. nurture will finally be answered.
  • Dagney

    The carrot = pet tiger/lion/panda, swiss chalet home, picnics every day, dead people popping up everywhere

    JW Reality:

    1. 70-80 years of current life in "worldly" system sickness/death
    2. Then "The Tribulation" (TM) prison, attacks from governments
    3. Then "Armageddon" the greatest of all wars and Jesus on the white horse and 9 billion dead
    4. Cleaning up the 9 billion dead along with the birds
    5. Then building the swiss chalet and planting and eating your own figs/growing cotton for clothes and somewhere in there steel mills/glass mfg/wood processing or whathaveyou (TBA)
    6. Clean up the earth from 9 billion and rebuild new world.
    7. Satan released and go through steps 1-6 again, wash repeat.

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