Yeah, let me just reiterate--the horrorific scene near the end has Gloria aka the "wife of Lot" morphing into stone in a freaky-ghosty way, enough to give any kid a nightmare, seriously. Kind of cool effects but scary as hell (well, to me anyway--I have a very low threshold for anything like that, admittedly). Really weird to have something so horror-genre coming from the Society but hey--scare tactics at their best!
2017 Convention Video Remember The Wife Of Lot
by pale.emperor 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm hoping this video be used a court of law to show up the Watchtower's antigay attitude inflicted on its members and the psychological harm it has on it gay membership and their families. A bunch of lawsuits in the courts seeking to collect on emotional damages bankrupting this bull shit God's earthly organization/corporation/religious frauds(I think the day is fast approaching for those people disfellowshipped for being gay to start collecting some monetary compensation for pain and suffering.)
As JWs are growing mainly in Africa and Latin America, what would a Latin American or African brother think while watching this video?
They're out of touch with their own demographics. Don't know how they want to appeal to real Witnesses with this stuff, just in case they really care about them and not only about first world Witnesses who can contribute funds to the Org.
On a side note, how did the dad get to be an accountant without attending university? - oh i suppose he did that before he was a JW. Good thing he did!
The son of a woman acquaintance of mine turned to his Mom at the conclusion of the video and said,"Did you notice? Every light fixture in the drama was from Ikea!"
At least he was paying attention.