ANTI-Jehovah's Witness Christian Theist
Survey: Are you Agnostic or Atheist or Christian?
by Iamallcool 54 Replies latest jw friends
I do not believe in an Almighty GOD of the Bible who intervenes in human affairs or any other GOD that is known to humans on this earth .
So in that sense I`m happy to define myself as an atheist .
However I do not dismiss the possibility that their are other life forms spiritual or otherwise in this universe .
Reformed Judaism: I believe in Yahweh the almighty and Yeshua, whom created all things with Yahweh's power and approval.
Side note: I am a national socialist, politically speaking.
I is who I is...
N don yu bloody well forget it!
Fucj this philosophical search for identities. Gee Wiz. Got me a bottle of Rye !
" Drink for yu know not whence yu came nor why Drink for yu know not where yu go nor when.." Omar Khayaam