LISA- Thanks for relating this posters story. What a horrific experience she went though ! Sick. What's even sicker is the perpetrator threatening to go to the elders and maligning her character. Just disgusting. Sadly this is what women are facing everywhere when coming forward with sexual assault charges against unscrupulous men who are more concerned about saving their tainted reputations than admitting guilt . I hope life has been kinder to her in the years later than when she was 19 years old
A Former Jehovah's Witness shares her me too story
by LisaRose 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
@Nemesis and others who don't think these stories are valid unless a victim goes above and beyond their circumstance.
Here are some really good, short videos that address why women don't report abuse, why they stay in abusive situations, and what victims of assault would like out of a reporting system.
Why women stay silent after sexual assault.
What throws salt on the wound though is when the victims try to deal with things in the organization.
Not her fault and if I was her brother or father - that boy would get a lesson he would never forget.
Been raped or abused (phys or sex)?
Step 1: Go directly to POLICE
Step 2: Get a LAWYER
Step 3: Refer questioning JWs to the lawyer - this includes elders and JCs
what a tragic case. unfortunately this isn't uncommon either, i've heard similar stories time and time again. i wonder where this young woman finds herself today, how she's managing emotionally.