From William. H. Bowen on Facebook :
EXCELLENT F.B Post re: latest Borg Mind Control etc
by Phizzy 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Alienation and Garbage the New Message of Jehovah’s WitnessesJWorg does a broadcast each month to all members and the public at large. In these public addresses they cover topics of concern to leadership and use the information to keep members in line. Jehovah’s Witnesses over the years have followed basic mind control techniques that while simplistic, have worked well in keeping members in line and ostracizing former members. In recent years a noted change has occurred in which the mind control programming has become far more sophisticated with the use of social media. The organization has apparently spent serious money to utilize psychological coercion to such a profound extent that even babies will be subject to mental manipulation through the use of cartoons and other social media. Why?JWorg is simply trying to increase their recidivism; they want members to not leave and have deep inner core programming installed that prevents them from using critical thinking skills thus never leaving the organization. JWs have so much material to review and cover on a weekly basis they have no time to look at anything outside the religion. If confronted with material that would be considered subversive, they immediately go onto shut down mode as they feel they have not kept up to date with their own material and of course have no time for anything that would challenge their faith. In the past, few members actually read the flagship journals; Watchtower and Awake other than what was covered in the weekly Watchtower Study. New books were so convoluted and boring they were mostly covered in the weekly book study arrangement as well. So what we see is much more sophisticated to keep members following JWorg programming. Video is much more powerful than the written word as it includes visual as well as hearing the material. Now every Kingdom Hall has a huge monitor that is used every week to disseminate church dogma. Members all have tablets, that broadcast material non-stop anytime of the day and they are encouraged to review frequently. As a result JWs have a non-stop pipeline of mind manipulation that makes them much more hard core to obey and follow without question anything they are told to do.The result? A mindless cacophony of people that cannot think for themselves that are susceptible to any manipulation the home office chooses to dole out. February broadcast of JWorg offers an extreme example of how completely horrific these manipulations can be. In one particular part of the hour+ long broadcast a “given one” (this is a special assistant to the Governing Body) offers a visual illustration involving loaves of bread. The representation has a message and that missive was; it is too late for those that have rejected the Governing Body to return to JWorg.Based on this new “Garlic Bread” parable in this airing there was an illustration using three loaves of bread. The point made is that the doors of the ark have been closed shut by Jehovah's hand for most of us.According to the new parable that can be found on JW Broadcasting. All people/witnesses fall into three categories of garlic bread contamination.Ingredients:Garlic powder= Adams sin/your sins/ grieving the spirit etc...Toxic oil= UnforgivableMud = Gross sinUsing three loaves each one was described as follows:Loaf 1:*This describes the person who sins against the spirit and commits unforgivable sins and become stained with toxic oil. You are beyond repair therefore Jehovah WILL throw you into the trash can now to save you for final destruction at Armageddon.· What is considered unforgivable sin? Someone who sins against the ‘Holy Spirit’; See W07 7/15 p.20 under the heading “Have You Sinned Against the Holy Spirit?” it states: “an apostate who has rejected spiritual light..”· So if you reject the GB as God’s only true word on earth you are considered trash to be discarded and not worth saving.Loaf 2:This is the person who commits serious or gross sin and breaks one of Jehovah's moral laws. This is comparable to mud therefore the side of the bread is dipped into mud.............But there's good news if you repent Jehovah will cut the dirty sin part off of your loaf and you will be left with a clean loaf albeit a bit smaller than the original size. So don't sin too much or you'll be left with only crumbs after Jehovah finish trimming you. So you again are doomed only if you go back to JWorg and obey everything they tell you to do.Loaf 3:Grieving the spirit and being led away from Jehovah. If this describes you, then you have accumulated extra garlic powder on your loaf...but don't worry Jehovah can shake the excess off!What is one way we grieve the ‘Holy Spirit” by their definition? W04 3/13/p.29-30 - Questions From Readers• How can we grieve God’s holy spirit, since it is not a person?““We would also be grieving the spirit if we deliberately undermined respect for spirit-appointed men in the congregation.—Acts 20:28; Jude 8.”So simply “undermining” the elders would put you in danger of being discarded.Think of the full implications of this broadcast. If you are a child that has a parent that is a nonmember, how are you required to view them? According to the JWorg material, as trash not worth listening to or saving, and doomed to be destroyed by Jehovah at any minute. This mental coercion will drastically alienate children from nonmember parents and family as it creates an adversarial environment that destroys any normal family interactions. The same implication applies to all family members or anyone for that matter that is not an active book-selling member of JWorg. If you, in anyway, oppose the teachings or more especially the leadership, of the Governing Body as God’s only ‘channel’ on earth, then you are placed in the “oil on bread” category and viewed as garbage not worth even the effort of saving and needing to be thrown way and never interacted with again.So while JW leadership claims to “abhor” child abuse and have “love” for their neighbor, they insidiously use broadcast like this to create a wedge of hate and alienation in families. This has nothing to do with God or the preaching of the good news of the kingdom, but instead, it is pure and simple evil manipulation of innocent minds to destroy normal familial relations. They know exactly what they are doing as this creates a cash cow of mindless slaves that break their piggy banks and backs working for JWorg their entire lives and when they die sign all their assets over to them as well.Material like this is actually a “king with no clothes” moment for those of us that understand what is really going on. It is vile and disgusting, yet all done in the name of God; tax-exempt. Perhaps the saddest part is that a few pennies of each dollar donated goes to defend JW pedophiles, as JW lawyers/elders fight the courts to endeavor to see that victims’ hurt by their evil policies are not compensated for the damages they have wrought.Would any deity “bless” an organization like this? I can think of only one….For helpful information on abuse see for assistance with family alienation see -
LISTEN and OBEY GOD`s on earth, GAURDIAN~S OF DOCTRINES =,GOD ,the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses .
If that was taking place in a family relationship that would be called domestic abuse which is a criminal offence in many countries and yet JWs view is as spiritual instruction .
And yet while you are experiencing such behaviour constantly you don't notice it even though you feel something it's right , but until you admit to yourself that the king had no clothes ,it's only then you start to see how you were manipulated and controled and start the waking up process.
Abuse of this kind is a learned behaviour ,we probably all did it with our family and people we tried to preach to in the field service , thankfully we can and do unlearn this abusive behaviour and become better people for doing so.
Great article
The Bethelite
This Kool Aid taste strange.....
The Jwbroadcast under scrutiny here is it of Feb 2021 or Feb 2020? I don't have a clue yet.
LOAF 1: This describes the person who sins against the spirit and commits unforgivable sins and become stained with toxic oil. You are beyond repair therefore Jehovah WILL throw you into the trash can now to save you for final destruction at Armageddon.
What is considered unforgivable sin? Someone who sins against the ‘Holy Spirit’; See W07 7/15 p.20 under the heading “Have You Sinned Against the Holy Spirit?” it states: “an apostate who has rejected spiritual light..”· So if you reject the GB as God’s only true word on earth you are considered trash to be discarded and not worth saving.The JWs won't see the above as being in the same LIGHT with the belowSo when the early Protestant, Reformational denominations Rusell and his cohorts reject the PAPAL as God's only true word on earth. The PAPAL considered them as TRASH to be discarded and not worth saving. -
Not to mention short bursts of social media “product”is addictive in and of itself and slowly destroys ones ability to concentrate on weightier written pieces. pieces more likely to, at the very least, get a witness using their critical thinking ability, even if this is in another field.
Do not fret, this is not latest up to date or fresh drivel, - it was monthly broadcast from February 2016, presenter was gb helper Kenneth Flodin.