Has anyone done any research on just how many 'witness' members have taken their own lives, lost their life due to blood refusal, or anything related?
Death toll
by Nikki 12 Replies latest watchtower medical
Impossible unless someone who inside the cult has access to the files and could leak it.
I personally knew two who did, one was an elder (his wife was murdered) and the other was a Ministerial Servant (he had issues with depression). I was told his father also a JW had committed suicide when he was still a teen. The MS left behind a wife (who discovered his body) and two small children.
There is some analysis & statistical interpolation here
There's a lot of assumptions in the methodology, some of which may be more reasonable than others, but it does serve to show that the number is very likely in the 10's of thousands.
We have compiled the Watchtower’s published data on Jehovah’s Witness publishers between the years of 1961-2016. Over this 56 year period, the average number of publishers per year was 3,957,868. Converting the factor determined by Dr. Muramoto this would indicate that 33,246 Jehovah’s Witnesses died during this 56 yeareriod. On an annual basis that works out to an average of 594 deaths per year, with 1220 deaths in 2016.
One is too many.
The WT which can list every hour spent in the D to D service, every hour for every pioneer, every Bible study. Meeting and assembly attendance. Can not and will not tell us how many died for a lack of a Blood Transfusion. Forget about how many died or suffered for a decades long ban on Transplants and then the weaselly WTBTS just allowed it and never mentions the change in their 'new light'.
Let's start with the serious lack of Blood transfusion data. Of course a Blood transfusion is dangerous so is taking an aspirin for some people.
But is it as dangerous as a traumatic injury? Do you know that being burnt in a fire demands a lot of BTs. Being in a car wreck or run over by a truck, bus or car demands blood and plenty of it to survive......... if indeed you can survive.
Cancer treatment is aided by BTs.
Sickle cell treatment may require 5 liters of blood every month for a child to survive.
You can not get many surgeries without blood....... ask Prince...... he died from an overdose of pain medications because the Ban on blood would not allow a needed hip replacement.
Sorry JW's but there is a measure of reality that needs to be understood........ not the phony reality of the WTBTS and their ignorant followers.
Let me put this another way........ the Hospital Liaison Committee that visits you in the hospital warning you about the problems and sinfulness of accepting a life saving blood transfusion will be the same two guys cleaning your hospital windows a week or two later.
Do you get it now?
Let me put this another way........ the Hospital Liaison Committee that visits you in the hospital warning you about the problems and sinfulness of accepting a life saving blood transfusion will be the same two guys cleaning your hospital windows a week or two later.
Giordano, it doesn't matter what the elders' outside work is unless they are doctors.
Like Blondie said, one death is too many. If indeed it was a direct result of JW mind manipulation. Which you can bet it was.
Giordano is right about so many treatments requiring BT's yet idiot JW's (not entirely their fault rather subconscious programming) will allow their babies, spouses, relatives, and friends to die in order to remain loyal to the fruitloops and diseased governing maggots in NY.
The likelihood is that there are thousands upon thousands of suicide bodies stacked up due to the rampant depression and guilt inducing teachings since the inception of this satanic phallus worshiping cult.
Tenacious, many jws don't keep up-to-date on the new light on blood transfusions and the light that is not shared with the general jw, you have to be brave enough to call headquarters and ask. Even the HLC doesn't keep up on the WTS/GB restrictions. Even when the HC-POAs are discussed from the platform, many do not read or note any changes.
There are some adult jws that refuse anything not accepting the loopholes that have been instituted by the WTS/GB since the nothing stance in the past.
Sadly and unfortunately the amount is into the thousands now , since the WTS. heads started telling people its a good thing to refuse a Blood transfusion, organ transplant and vaccinations. (1940's)
Add in the number people who committed suicide who were directly or indirectly influenced by the actions of this religious cult, which there seems to be a high amount given the size of this religion and the consequences of being involved in this religion becomes something fatal and dangerous.