Is there a renewed iemphasis on the "go bag" in the past mont or so?

by nonjwspouse 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nonjwspouse

    My soon to be ex moved out over a year ago. He left most of his things here ( I guess he thinks of my house as his personal storage unit). One thing he left was his survival backpack, I assume his "Go bag". He has been asking me to get it for him ( I packed that away early on in a box to get it out of my way). I thought it was in a box I put in his truck ( under protest by him each time that he had no room). Seems it was not and he has been asking regularly saying he needs it "a lot, and soon"

    .I can't find it so far, and this insistence has been annoying, since he refused for over a year to get most of his things after he refused to discuss our marriage and still keep pretending this was a temporary move. It was clear after about three months of stonewalling and insulting behavior that this was not going to change. ( Property evaluation and an accountant screwing up years of taxes has hindered the progress of my filing for divorce)

    I know he once again began contact with the JW but not sure if it is serious or infrequent. I don't keep up. This urgent request has me curious though. My concern is for our 16 year old daughter and her welfare around him. Her anxiety level is through the roof. She has been prepared for years through my efforts, to recognize cults, to recognize and reject when red flags show up. However, if her father is talking up gloom and doom while she is depressed, and anxious, and also now having health issues, then this could be important.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Just tell him you definitely put it in a box and loaded it into his truck. Whats he going to do ?

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  • carla

    My jw seems to be acting weird about his go bag too for quite some time. weirdo's.

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  • Rocketman123

    The WTS/JWorg. of imposition of fear "end of the world soon you better be ready" is just a crass act of getting people subservient to them, the GB men.

    Yes brothers and sisters its in the bible, so you know its true.

    Have your Go Bags ready for when Jah starts throwing fireballs down from heaven you may want to escape this event to reach higher ground or away from the calamity.

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  • Fadeaway1962

    The go bag a gone bag now 😁

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  • FedUpJW

    Just a thought, prompted by personal experience.

    If possible find the bag, then send a certified letter with signature required and return verification (costly I know but worth it in the long run), give him a reasonable time frame to make arrangements pick it up (30 days is common) from a designated place at a designated time. Then when that time passes if it has not been removed it becomes yours to do with as you wish.

    That was my lawyers advice many years ago in a similar situation. YMMV

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  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Never been mentioned at our meetings for a long long time. Certainly not during the Covid-19 situation.


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  • hoser

    Being prepared for an emergency is not necessarily a bad thing. Mrs Hoser and I are(we think) prepared for an emergency. Just look at what happened in Texas last week.

    The problem with the jw go bag is it is too Jim Jonesy. A while back we got an unexpected text on a Saturday morning to meet in the Kingdom Hall parking lot in one hour with our go bags. Most in the congregation complied. A little too culty for us.

    The jws are confusing disaster preparedness with the great tribulation. Weather and other events happen from time to time and we all should have a plan.

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  • James Jack
    James Jack

    I remember your story, you live close by me. Sorry it didn't work out. My wife is on board with me, since I officially left in July 2020. If you need to talk to someone or suggestions with your daughter, feel free to PM me.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Not sure where you live. Here in the USA, we just went through a winter disaster in many US States (surely you've read about Texas losing power to over 4 million) and Texas is where most of the oil in the US is produced. That's just one area that had serious weather issues. So,,,,,,,,,,,I suspect WTS has been ramping up the urgency to have your Go Bag ready. (Guess you damn well better have snow chains and lots of Kerosene in it?)

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