My soon to be ex moved out over a year ago. He left most of his things here ( I guess he thinks of my house as his personal storage unit). One thing he left was his survival backpack, I assume his "Go bag". He has been asking me to get it for him ( I packed that away early on in a box to get it out of my way). I thought it was in a box I put in his truck ( under protest by him each time that he had no room). Seems it was not and he has been asking regularly saying he needs it "a lot, and soon"
.I can't find it so far, and this insistence has been annoying, since he refused for over a year to get most of his things after he refused to discuss our marriage and still keep pretending this was a temporary move. It was clear after about three months of stonewalling and insulting behavior that this was not going to change. ( Property evaluation and an accountant screwing up years of taxes has hindered the progress of my filing for divorce)
I know he once again began contact with the JW but not sure if it is serious or infrequent. I don't keep up. This urgent request has me curious though. My concern is for our 16 year old daughter and her welfare around him. Her anxiety level is through the roof. She has been prepared for years through my efforts, to recognize cults, to recognize and reject when red flags show up. However, if her father is talking up gloom and doom while she is depressed, and anxious, and also now having health issues, then this could be important.