[Spoiler: Pokemon is an invitation to communication with or possession by demons because... well... Pokemon comes from demons. We all know that, right?]
So... I was looking through different questions on Quora, and I noticed one that read, "Is Pokemon demonic?" I was interested in seeing what people have to say, especially that not so long ago there was a thread (or a post in a thread?) that talked about Jehovah's Witnesses and Pokemon. Do Jehovah's Witnesses condemn Pokemon? What do they think of it?
Up until now I heard nothing but silence...
So... well... in this question, I saw a very interesting answer (okay, maybe not necessarily interesting...). The style of writing seemed to be Jehovah's Witness-like, and when I checked the user's other answers, sure enough, it turned out the guy is a Jehovah's Witness.
Please enjoy what this Jehovah's Witness had to say about whether Pokemon is demonic (and please do look at the comments!): Is Pokemon Demonic? Jehovah's Witness Answers Your Concerns!