Would it be ethical for another nation to supply weapons to anti-Trump protesters?

by fulltimestudent 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    The USA, claiming that the USA supports freedom, has often supported revolutionaries/dissenters in other countries.

    Some examples:

    Currently, the Syrian war commenced circa 2011 in the so-called Arab Spring. It is claimed that the USA supplied weapons to anti-government forces. There are now a number of factions.




    Now that there are (unarmed, as far as I know), would it be a good thing for these dissenters to accept arms from another nation?

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  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Only if they're on my side.
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Trump was elected democratically. No comparison. If you don't like it, make sure you get as many people to vote for your candidate next time around.

    Revolution???? because you didn't get your candidate? sigh.

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  • Razziel

    A few thousand protesters in a land of 300 million people isn't even a blip on the radar and isn't even historically significant in the numbers so far.

    Read this archived news report from 1985 during Reagan's second inauguration. Replace the words Reagan with Trump, and you could almost believe it's a current article.


    "Our demonstration will offer a dramatic challenge to the right-wing, racist and sexist policies of the Reagan administration,'

    Sound familiar?

    Took me 2 seconds to find that one, I'm sure there's many more.

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  • digderidoo
    Trump was elected democratically. No comparison. If you don't like it, make sure you get as many people to vote for your candidate next time around.
    Revolution???? because you didn't get your candidate? sigh.

    Salvador Allende, the democratically elected Communist President of Chile, was overthrown in 1970 in a coup supported and funded by the CIA - putting General Pinochet's evil regime in to power.

    There is a direct comparison.

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  • prologos

    Mexico is preparing to give special help to it's illegal immigrants in the US through ii's many consulate branch offices. Weapon help is hardly needed in the US, the "open carry" center of the world.

    But the idea of battles in the streets between migrants and local authorities is not far fetched. read the german news sites. Police is attacked on a daily basis, will not enter areas controlled by migrant parallel societies. Cross border migration is legal in Europe, not North America. the scene of the world is changing, not for the better.

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  • _Morpheus

    Jesus christ what the hell is wrong with you people??? Arming protestors??? HES NOT EVEN PRESIDENT YET! Let him do something before pressing the panic button.

    China has enough for you go worry about. We dont need your insane suggestions or misplaced hyperbole regarding our politics.

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  • ttdtt

    Arnt there enough here already?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    To try and gauge whether the OP's question is a good one, let's flip reverse it by asking an alternative question: would it be ethical for the US government to arm the police against the hitherto unarmed protestors?

    For me, it's a big no-no ...

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  • Vidiot

    Don't arm protesters, Left or Right.

    Ethics notwithstanding, it's just f**king stupid.

    Somebody innocent is gonna end up shot, on purpose or otherwise.

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