Over the years, many have speculated on how the Governing Body might reform the Society into something that might actually bring some positivity in to the world ... and a resent melancholy moment, I re-watched the YouTube clip of USA for Africa's, 'We are the World' which was released in 1985. Now while I know our men in Warwick would never actually consider organizing the Brotherhood to do something completely selfless in helping the truly worldly poor, something that would actually improve the religion's reputation ... but the question is ... could you really trust the Governing Body to run an aid program like USA for Africa or Band Aid, without skimming from the top?
Could you really trust the Governing Body to the right thing?
by no-zombie 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
but the question is ... could you really trust the Governing Body
to run an aid program like USA for Africa or Band Aid, without skimming from the top?
The WTS men are too apathetic and self serving to care for other people, this organization was built upon greed of money and power, hence its lying devious corruption.
Not exactly a great emulation of Christian values by the instructions laid out by Jesus.
But Jesus was always a second class figure to the JWS anyways .
The WTS was more concerned about its public sales representatives (JWS) than outside non members.
You have to have a JWS label upon your head before any JWS will even look at you.
They saw how willing their members were to help out after hurricanes and other disasters, so they "organized" that to say that people who do go to disaster areas should go only when they are approved (meaning they are in good standing with their congregation at least) and people should only donate to the worldwide work and let Watchtower figure out how to use the funds to help disaster victims out, and they should stop donating cars, clothes, canned goods. I was a recipient of a car and canned goods and the like after Hurricane Hugo. Back then, the spirit of individuals was wonderful. Some families can only donate a small amount of money, but have excess "stuff" and have strong backs. Well, too bad for them.
So they ruined it. They turned it into a profit scheme. "Look at all this worldwide work money coming in. We should buy lumber and supplies from loyal brothers at a markup with at least part of the donation money."
They closed HQ in Brooklyn after the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on New York's World Trade Center. Talk about worse than Joel Osteen. Literally, for Christ's sake, they could let people use the bathroom and charge their cell phones and tell them they cannot spend the night, but can have a cold meal and then be on their way.
They have taken away congregation moneys with the promises of knowing where to spend it to do the most good for the members. It's all a scam. I wouldn't trust them to ever do the right thing. -
I wouldn't trust the Gibbering Bumblers to valet park my car.
I truly believe that every "charitable scheme" that I have seen done by WT Corp has been for the purpose of making a "profit" on it (such as the storm damage repairs where they demand the insurance proceeds) or to put themselves in a favorable light (such as the free storm damage repairs they do for 3rd World government buildings, etc). None of it is done out of "charity".
Matt 6:2-4 does not apply to them: 2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
I would not trust the GB find their ass with both hands tied behind their back.
Of course we can trust the 'Slave Class'. How do we know? Because they told us we can! : "There are many reasons why the slave class deserves our trust. Two outstanding reasons are (1) Jehovah trusts the slave class (2) Jesus trusts the slave class." -Watchtower 2009 . Circular, self aggrandizing and unprovable self promotion taken to the highest level. Remember folks, you can't out bullshit a bullshitter and these men should know.
amiable atheist
no-zombie — "Now while I know our men in Warwick would never actually consider organizing the Brotherhood to do something completely selfless in helping the truly worldly poor, […] but the question is ... could you really trust the Governing Body to run an aid program like USA for Africa or Band Aid, without skimming from the top?"
As any form of 'love' they've ever known of, charity too is considered conditional.
truly believe that every "charitable scheme" that I have seen done by WT Corp has been for the purpose of making a "profit" on it - DOC
Does WT actually provide charity?
While there are reports of JWs assisting in disaster areas, my understanding is that individual JWs travel and provide that assistance on their own time and at at their own expense. I do not recall hearing WT supplying staff persons (Bethelites) time, travel and accommodations.
Even if WT supply building materials and other supplies to rebuild homes, are those materials only to be used for JWs who are in good standing, or for anyone in-need? If WT requires reimbursement for materials and labor from each homeowner through payment from an insurance claim, can that really be considered charity even if it is referred to as "a donation"?
While JWs around the world are expected to supply donations to build KHs and to support the WW preaching work especially in less affluent regions, are any KHs actually supplied as charity or are JWs using those halls expected to reimburse WT forever as is required in more affluent locations?
Since JWs preach using their own time, fuel, equipment and expense, other than WT literature, what preaching work is actually made possible through WWW donations, especially if missionaries are no longer paid?