If only they had written a book that did this very thing....
new series "The Good News According to Jesus"
by neat blue dog 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We've got a whole new set of apostate lying false prophecies we want to make, so could you support us with your kindly donations $$$ ?
neat blue dog
Nothing but more distraction, and a complete contradiction of their narrative that the end is imminent.
I am anxious and Eager to watch the portion where Jesus extracts 2 devils from a man and injects them to a herd of pigs and all go running up the hill and jump into the ocean and commit suicide.
Should be quite Exciting.
They had Black Beard in one publication. It would not surprise me what or who else they will have? Maybe the Marx Brothers?
how about talking to the lady at the well, and well, then spending two nights as guest in her city?
more n 1 good Samaritan.
What is wrong with books? Who needs video ?
Back in the day we were encouraged to read . To start with we have the four gospels; In the early seventies we had the Aid book with a very useful chart showing all the gospel scriptures in chronological order . ( I spent ages studying with the help of that.) Later on they did a book called “ The Great Teacher “ that studied all of Jesus’ Ministry with all the scriptures to read
I guarantee that we learned and remembered more about it than today’s generation will from their darned video!
His coming will be like the Sun rising and shining across the land, pretty obvious for all to see, not some secret/ mysterious event..
If only the GB knew that Jesus’ parousia ( coming along side ) was an individual event for believers and they had the choice to follow The Christ, or go their own way; hence the urgency of recognizing the event.
That’s the only “second advent” that will ever take place.
What is wrong with books? Who needs video?
Exactly. I can remember what I READ more accurately and longer than what I watch. It reminds me of the late, great news commentator Paul Harvey who contrasted radio and TV by saying, "We do not remember what Confucius LOOKED like, but rather what he SAID." It is the same principle with reading compared to watching.
Makes me wonder exactly how long this last picosecond of the last nanosecond, of the last microsecond, of the last millisecond of the last centisecond of the last desisecond of the last second of the last minute of the last hour of the last of the last of the last of the last of the last days is going to last.