Th anks for the suggestion that sounds like good advice. We opened an escrow account to make our rent deposits. Our attorney said the court would most likely make the owner pay for or reimburse us for at least a percentage of our attorney’s fees.
There was a van this evening around11.p.m. Pulled up and hoisted a very large hose over the gates and up to the second floor, our floor, to an apartment across the breezeway from us. The patio doors were open on the balcony and we could see large fans blowing in the apartment and the hose pumping water out of it into the street. The manager was yelling at the tenants that her credit card was maxed out and she could not afford to put them up in a motel while the apartment dried out. She did say that she would call her boss and see if they would agree to reimburse them their expenses for having to stay in a motel.
She also told them there were no available apartments to put them in for the time being for at least a month.
There are at least 3 or 4 empty apartments in the building.
It has been my experience that he who wins has documented the most.
Thanks for that advice and the Q&A's it is going to be a great help I'm sure.
When Jim came home, he went into the master shower to check it out and found a wet towel scrunched up on the floor, the plumber left it. He picked up the towel and when it fell open, it was covered with a black moldy smelly substance. He must have used it to wipe up something and forgot to put it in the bag he threw out. I put it in a zip lock bag and sat it out on the balcony. I'm going to give it to who ever shows up to inspect.
I spent all night last night writing to everyone in the field of health safety. I got a suggestion from someone in the field of interest to also call the DEA and have them come out and test.
Thanks everyone for all your great responses. It has been a great help to us.
I keep this updated to let you know what happens and what we ended up with. Maybe this can help someone else in the future as well.