I'm agnostic. There could be a god, but I don't believe it's the god described in the bible.
I grew up a JW believing in the bible. After I left, I didn't want religion but was determined to be a christian on my own.
But things started to unravel. I saw where science was observing evolution in the lab. And also knowing of links in our DNA that can show links between species. So I accepted evolution does and did happen. And maybe that *can* harmonize with the Bible in that God created many species, but they all evolved over time.
But one of the things that started to unravel it all was the flood. It didn't make sense. I remember reading once that the words used could be interpreted to mean that an area flooded, not the whole earth. Which made more sense and solved a LOT of problems. Noah could have rescued only local animals. No wondering how kangaroos got to/from Australia, more space aboard, more time to feed animals, plant life could survive because the whole earth wasn't under water, etc. It solved a LOT of issues.
In other words, I went through a looser interpretation of the bible to try to make it mesh with reality. Kind of like the JWs did with "creative days" being longer than 24 hours. And I allowed for slight changes by scribes through the years.
So I could find a way to allow for science and still believe in a looser interpretation of the bible.
But, it was Christians who forced the issue. Especially a long time friend of almost 40 years who used to be a JW with me. These people were having none of this. When facts and the bible differed, the bible was always right. No matter what the evidence, the flimsy bible stories were right.
My friend argued against evolution, but now seems to allow for "kinds" which are a form of evolution too, BTW. And believes the only flood interpretation is the whole earth was flooded and everything sensational required to make it work was god's magic. And after being a JW and believing in long creation days was back to 24-hour days.
There was no give, no allowance, no trying to meet reality half way. It was either scientific knowledge or a bunch of ancient books we don't even have originals of. I felt forced to make a decision and it didn't end well for the Bible.
And then after deciding that the Bible wasn't inspired by god, I started to see other things that just plain didn't make sense. Like most of Genesis and Exodus. And all of the horrible laws that didn't make sense.
If god is all powerful, why did he have to kick Adam and Eve out of the garden to keep them from eating of the tree of life so that they could live forever? If God wanted them to die, couldn't he just kill them? I thought he was all powerful. Or negate the properties of the tree of life? Or make the tree of life vanish? SO many things that started to sound more like fairy tales once I took the religious blinders off.
But if my good friend had compromised and said you're right, maybe the flood was local, I might still be a christian. Or at least would have stayed one longer. But by insisting it's all true and literal, well, that doesn't make sense. He made me choose one or the other when I was trying to harmonize them. I picked science and reality.