Turnover among JWs isn't as bad as say, the waitstaff at a bar. But I think of so many that just aren't JWs anymore. Out of the 13 blood relatives (not counting brother-in-laws) that were JWs, 3 of us died JWs and 2 still are. Nobody below the age of 60 is a JW. And even the older aunts dropped out.
Why do they have more turnover? I think partially because they keep dangling that carrot of Armageddon and it just aint happening. I see pictures from conventions from the 1950's where the banners read things about the system of things ending soon. 60 years ago? Soon?
Not to mention the doctrinal changes. Redefining generation, overlapping generations. Which is one people cared about. When they say anointing began/ended and redefining the modern-day <xxx> class, I never cared about. Didn't care. Over my head. But changing the things people notice is not good. They're pulling their long-standing tradition of monthly magazines now. That's going to have a few people asking where this is going.
And of course the internet. When you claim you're the perfect organization, but then people can see how much you've changed - not to mention how wrong you are - people are going to drop away.
I honestly hope their new approaches to the preaching campaign fail miserably. If so, there goes the new recruits and they start to take a deep dive.
I'd also like to note that these 2/3rds that supposedly fell away. It doesn't mean they're not ideologically 80% Witness. Many people drop out, with the thought that it's the wrong thing to do. That they fell in love and are busy with this worldly guy/girl and someday when things settle down, they're coming back. They still generally believe what the JWs teach.
I had a niece suffering from teen angst and ran away with her worldly boyfriend, got pregnant, got married, etc. Still believed that one day she'd return and felt guilty. And felt guilty her kids weren't being raised JW. I helped her realize that the JWs were NOT worth going back to. Saving further damage to her self esteem and I'm sure saving a lot of pain from her kids.