Despite several
different trains of thought being expressed in this particular thread, most of
the responses are focused on then component about the abusive nature of the organisation. Perhaps an evidence of the numbers of people
being hurt as a result of the psychological cruelties directed at folks.
The purpose of my
blogging in general is to...
Engage in catharsis of sorts
Validate the experiences and thoughts of other
Contribute to an online community of victims
and assuage their hurt
Highlight the sophisticated mendacity and other
dysfunction in the organisation to those still in & who peruse this site
Contribute to the increasing body of knowledge
as to the true & real functioning of the organisation and its officers
It is true perhaps, that the only way to avoid being
damaged by the religion is “to stay the hell away” as LongHairGal opines, but then again, there are many who feel they
cannot do so as they are in the invidious position of being psychologically
excoriated (shunned by family) if they remove themselves and thus continue to
be affiliated but remain out mentally.
The latter (as in my case) represent a cost to the organisation via the
removal and incineration/recycling of published literature, and abstention from
making financial contributions. I think
this may be termed as passive aggression!
What else have I done to undermine the organisation? Well, by being still in physically and
out mentally, I have had a chat with several whom I can trust and who in the
past were reaching out. I have explained
the secular charitable trustee role that goes with becoming an elder and the
responsibilities therein. I have advised
such ones that...
If they wan’t to be an elder they should
consider refusing the trustee position
If they accept the trustee position they should
consider getting third party liability insurance
Consider avoiding the role of elder all
The above advice is primarily because of the WTBTS / GBoJW appalling
legal and financial governance and which could mean that secular government agencies
or wronged individuals may have cause to issue criminal or civil
proceedings. Thus far, I know of one MS
who was reaching out for the position of elder but who remains an MS as a result of having become conscious of the aforementioned paradigm. He has his own business and understands the
meaning of risk and the need for the aforementioned insurance!
So yes, LongHairGal is right in many respects, but for
those like I who are still in physically, it is more a case of damage limitation
and protection than complete avoidance of damage all together!