Bucket list

by Jrjw 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jrjw

    Does anyone have a bucket list and has it helped you achieve anything? Someone said I should do one

  • finallysomepride

    Good idea

    I have not started one.

    I might, maybe my first item could be this

  • finallysomepride

    sorry couldn't help myself after all the pillow talk

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    I've always thought of the term "bucket list" as being a negative. No offense if it works for you. I do, however, make plans to do one grand thing a year at least. So far so good. It might sound lame but I want to go to the Ronald Reagan presidential library. He may have been controversial but his reign was a wild time.
  • scratchme1010

    No, and I think it's a waste of time. I do lists to organize some things in my life, but having a bucket list makes my wishing and dreaming too confined. It defeats the purpose of why we want to accomplish certain things.

  • Xanthippe

    Yes I wanted to get a degree, go to Paris, Rome, Florence, the US and Canada. Create a beautiful garden, learn to drive (finally managed it at 42), volunteer for something actually useful.

    Having done all that I want to go to India (going next month); see lots of mountains, I don't mind where; learn to paint better paintings and maybe sell some.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I thought that was something to do after you hit 50 and realized you were now much closer to your death than to your birth. (Thus I started mine years ago.)

    Somehow (right or wrong) got the impression you were much younger than that.

    At a young age, they are simply called goals. Now. . . .

    Image result for just do it logo

  • Ruby456

    I want to go to India too. Also Florence and Morocco

    I also want to get a well paying job first

  • Xanthippe
    I thought that was something to do after you hit 50 and realized you were now much closer to your death than to your birth.

    There's a lot of books around now with titles like fifty places to see before you die, a hundred books you must read before you die. Not everyone is terrified of the d-word and many people are making their 'must do' lists earlier and earlier.

  • DesirousOfChange

    many people are making their 'must do' lists earlier and earlier.

    I'm still trying to determine what I want to do when i grow up. Being raised a JW, I was never taught to do much advance planning for my future.

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